The RoundMaster API is part of the RPGMaster series of APIs, and works for any campaign (D&D 5e, Pathfinder, AD&D2e, ...) that needs the Turn Order managing and uses status markers with durations set on tokens. The RoundMaster API is available via One-Click install, and is actively maintained by the author (e.g. fixing it for the recent Turn Tracker change). When installed, it adds the latest documentation as Handouts to your Campaign, explaining all the commands and the Effects database that comes with it (to which you can add your own database of effects - there's documentation on how to do that, too). Feel free to review the Wiki page and see if it is useful to you. The big bonus: any status marker can trigger macros to make calls to any API, run any Roll20 macro commands, make dice rolls, in fact anything that can be done in a Roll20 Ability Macro. Up to three different macros can be set for whenever a status is added to a token using the RoundMaster API call, and also each turn the status marker stays on the Token, and also when the status time countdown ends . The "status effects" can use attributes from the token, and the character sheet represented by the token even though the token is not currently selected . RoundMaster uses its own syntax for attribute replacing in the "status effect macro", so that the status can change current attributes - e.g. adding a status marker representing drinking a Strength-enhancing potion can actually increase the Strength score on the Character Sheet for the duration of the status countdown, and then automatically reverse the increase at the end of the predetermined duration (this would use calls to ChatSetAttr API in the status effect macro to make the attribute changes). RoundMaster can also use any token marker you have loaded to identify a token as having a status. It can use the default markers, you can purchase token marker libraries from the marketplace and load them into your campaign, or you can create your own token marker library and use those. You can display all the markers available to you using the --listmarkers command and hovering your mouse pointer over each displayed marker will display a tooltip of the marker name to use in the --addstatus, --target, and other RoundMaster status management commands. (Requires the libTokenMarkers API to be loaded with RoundMaster API - will be loaded automatically if One-Click install is used for RoundMaster).