Ever feel like you constantly are the one rolling nat 1s when everyone else gets a nat20? I initially wrote a fairly basic script to keep track of that with limited output. After finding another version of this concept in a branch from 7 years ago from manveti I've gone ahead and merged the two creating a script that has the interesting output options while working and using more updated best practices.
Note - the below code block is updated with each version of the script:
Current Version - 1.1 no command is necessary to start collecting stats - this will happen automatically after install Usage: !rollstats [options] ---Display Modes--- -f, --full: show full stats for specified die -l, --leaderboard: show player leaderboard -o, --overall: show overall stats ---Options--- -c, --chat: show stats in chat (default: whisper to you) -d <N>, --die <N>: show stats for specified die size (default: 20) -g, --global: show stats for all players (default: show your stats) -h, --help: display this help -p <P>, --player <P>: show stats for roll20 userID P (default: show your stats) -s, --session: show stats for current session (default: all time) --clear: clear collected stats (GM only) Examples !rollstats -l whispers leaderboard d20 stats for all players !rollstats -o whispers summary die stats for all your die rolls !rollstats -f -d 8 whispers full stats for your d8 rolls to you !rollstats -f --die 8 same as above !rollstats -l -c sends d20 leaderboard to all chat !rollstats -l -s -c sends d20 leaderboard to all chat only for rolls this session, not all time
The testing I've done is covered in this doc. Highlights of what to look out for - would appreciate insight into how / if any can be fixed:
- -p, --player only works with roll20 user ID (ex: 2824773 for me), display name does not seem to find a user properly
- NPC dmg rolls (5e, default) seem to always roll critical dmg even when it is not used - aka a 1d12 Greataxe will always roll 2d12 even if neither attack roll is a crit, it just doesn't display the second roll
- this does not break anything, it just inflates the die rolls for anyone rolling off an NPC sheet
- FATE dice record as a d3 but don't really reflect properly in average, etc... - not really worth using for FATE