Hi everyone, I have been trying to get what I think should be a simple macro set up exactly how I want for a while now, and have not been having much luck, so I figured I would ask here. I am sure it is a simple solution, but since I don't fully understand roll20's macro's I have been having some issues. I am currently DMing a campaign where not all our players can be in every session, but their characters are always there. I am controlling anyone who is not in the session. Controlling the environment, mobs, and pc's can become very tedious and slow the game down a lot, so I have token actions for all players main attacks. I can easily make a token action for each individual save, or skill, but I would like to instead have 1 button called saves, that when clicked gives a prompt for which save, and then executes the save as if it was clicked directly from the character sheet. My macro fails due to | { and }, which I am aware of issues when using a nested macro, but I have replaced all of them with the html counterparts and it still fails. We are playing pf1, using the pathfinder by roll20 sheet. Here is the code from 1 of the characters that is run when clicking a fortitude save from within the character sheet: @{Gnarlton Wanks|whispertype} &{template:pc} {{name=^{fortitude}}} {{type=save}} {{showchar=@{Gnarlton Wanks|rollshowchar}}} {{charname=@{Gnarlton Wanks|character_name}}} {{roll=[[1d20+@{Gnarlton Wanks|fortitude}[MOD]+(@{Gnarlton Wanks|saves_condition})[CONDITION]+@{Gnarlton Wanks|rollmod_save}[QUERY]]]}} {{shownotes=@{Gnarlton Wanks|rollnotes_save}}} {{notes=@{Gnarlton Wanks|fortitude_notes}}} {{conditionsflag=[[@{Gnarlton Wanks|saves_condition}]]}} {{conditions=@{Gnarlton Wanks|conditions_display}}} Here is the Reflex save: @{Gnarlton Wanks|whispertype} &{template:pc} {{name=^{reflex}}} {{type=save}} {{showchar=@{Gnarlton Wanks|rollshowchar}}} {{charname=@{Gnarlton Wanks|character_name}}} {{roll=[[1d20+@{Gnarlton Wanks|reflex}[MOD]+(@{Gnarlton Wanks|saves_condition})[CONDITION]+@{Gnarlton Wanks|rollmod_save}[QUERY]]]}} {{shownotes=@{Gnarlton Wanks|rollnotes_save}}} {{notes=@{Gnarlton Wanks|reflex_notes}}} {{conditionsflag=[[@{Gnarlton Wanks|saves_condition}]]}} {{conditions=@{Gnarlton Wanks|conditions_display}}} Here is the will save: @{Gnarlton Wanks|whispertype} &{template:pc} {{name=^{will}}} {{type=save}} {{showchar=@{Gnarlton Wanks|rollshowchar}}} {{charname=@{Gnarlton Wanks|character_name}}} {{roll=[[1d20+@{Gnarlton Wanks|will}[MOD]+(@{Gnarlton Wanks|saves_condition})[CONDITION]+@{Gnarlton Wanks|rollmod_save}[QUERY]]]}} {{shownotes=@{Gnarlton Wanks|rollnotes_save}}} {{notes=@{Gnarlton Wanks|will_notes}}} {{conditionsflag=[[@{Gnarlton Wanks|saves_condition}]]}} {{conditions=@{Gnarlton Wanks|conditions_display}}} I thought I found a way around my problem by creating a macro for each save, and then the token action that would call upon those macros based on a prompt, but it does the exact same thing. Here is what that macro looks like: ?{Which Save?| Fortitude, #Gnarlton-Fort| Reflex, #Gnarlton-Reflex| Will, #Gnarlton-Will
} Here is the full macro: ?{Which Save?| Fortitude, @{Gnarlton Wanks|whispertype} &{template:pc}
{{name=^{fortitude}}} {{type=save}} {{showchar=@{Gnarlton Wanks|rollshowchar}}}
{{charname=@{Gnarlton Wanks|character_name}}} {{roll=[[1d20+@{Gnarlton
Wanks|fortitude}[MOD]+(@{Gnarlton Wanks|saves_condition})[CONDITION]+@{Gnarlton
Wanks|rollmod_save}[QUERY]]]}} {{shownotes=@{Gnarlton Wanks|rollnotes_save}}}
{{notes=@{Gnarlton Wanks|fortitude_notes}}} {{conditionsflag=[[@{Gnarlton
Wanks|saves_condition}]]}} {{conditions=@{Gnarlton Wanks|conditions_display}}} | Reflex, @{Gnarlton Wanks|whispertype} &{template:pc}
{{name=^{reflex}}} {{type=save}} {{showchar=@{Gnarlton Wanks|rollshowchar}}}
{{charname=@{Gnarlton Wanks|character_name}}} {{roll=[[1d20+@{Gnarlton
Wanks|reflex}[MOD]+(@{Gnarlton Wanks|saves_condition})[CONDITION]+@{Gnarlton
Wanks|rollmod_save}[QUERY]]]}} {{shownotes=@{Gnarlton Wanks|rollnotes_save}}}
{{notes=@{Gnarlton Wanks|reflex_notes}}} {{conditionsflag=[[@{Gnarlton
Wanks|saves_condition}]]}} {{conditions=@{Gnarlton Wanks|conditions_display}}} | Will, @{Gnarlton Wanks|whispertype} &{template:pc}
{{name=^{will}}} {{type=save}} {{showchar=@{Gnarlton Wanks|rollshowchar}}}
{{charname=@{Gnarlton Wanks|character_name}}} {{roll=[[1d20+@{Gnarlton
Wanks|will}[MOD]+(@{Gnarlton Wanks|saves_condition})[CONDITION]+@{Gnarlton
Wanks|rollmod_save}[QUERY]]]}} {{shownotes=@{Gnarlton Wanks|rollnotes_save}}}
{{notes=@{Gnarlton Wanks|will_notes}}} {{conditionsflag=[[@{Gnarlton
Wanks|saves_condition}]]}} {{conditions=@{Gnarlton Wanks|conditions_display}}} } I am showing the version without changing the | { and } into html because I am not sure which to change, and the code is much easier to read this way. I am thinking it's just an issue of my needing to change some of them, but not all, but I am kinda lost. I would appreciate any help you can offer. I would like to put all the character skills as well, but I believe once I have the saving throws macro working properly, I should be able to build the skill macros (I hope) Thank you!