Update to: DiscreteWhisper
New Version (and link): 1.1.1 and in the Roll20 One-Click install
Original Thread: Here
Abstract: DiscreteWhisper is a way to send a single whispered message to multiple recipients while simultaneously giving groups of recipients more or less of that message. Buttons (referencing api script command lines, character abilities, or macros) can also be included, and can also be limited to some/all of the recipients.
Example Use Case: Larry, Moe, and Curly failed to detect an illusion trap and now need to make a perception check. Larry was the most affected by the trap's illusion spell. The GM wants to send a whispered message to all while giving a slightly altered version to Larry. Moe and Curly should receive the message: "There are five jewels on the table. You find it hard to focus on them." At the same time, Larry should receive the message: "There are five jewels on the table. A small child holds a sixth jewel near the far wall." The player who is playing Larry should not know that s/he has received a different message from the other characters. The GM would enter:
!w --Larry|Curly|Moe --There are five jewels on the table. {{aside|Moe|Curly}}You find it hard to focus on them.{{aside|Larry}}A small child holds a sixth jewel near the far wall.
Original Thread
You can find the instructions for use at the original thread, including example messages with buttons. For instance, sending a request for Perception rolls to players, providing them with a button that links to their character's Perception roll.
Update 1.1.1
ADDED: Ability to suppress or show the report of sent whispers, including script-level configuration as well as inline handles to provide the opposite behavior from the script's configuration setting.
Silent Mode - Config at Script Level
DiscreteWhisper will default to reporting to you the whispers you send (screenshots in the original thread). With this update, you can now configure that option to be turned on or off at the script level. If you are in "silent" mode, you will not receive a report of delivered/undelivered whispers, but your valid recipients will still receive the message you send them. To activate or deactivate silent mode at the script level, follow the script handle with #silent followed by your option:
The first will turn the report suppression ON (ie, activating silent mode). The second will turn suppression OFF (and you will get reports of sent whispers). The values that will turn ON silent mode are any from this list:
yes, y, true, on, +, yup
Anything else included after the pipe character will turn silent mode OFF.
Silent Mode - Config for Single Message
No matter what the setting of the script is configured to be, you can obtain a silent delivery or a report using the following syntax:
Note that the "silent", above, does not contain a pipe or a setting value from the above list. These options will force the designated behavior regardless of the script setting. For instance, having the script set to silent mode but using the report syntax will, for this message alone, force a report of delivered/undelivered whispers; the script's setting will be unchanged. Similarly, for a script configured to report all messages, you can use the silent syntax to suppress the report for a single message.
Follow the above syntax structures with the rest of the line, as usual:
!w#silent --gm --I don't want a report of this message --NO REPORT
!w#report --Kokoro --I will know if you get this message! --REPORT
A Note About Alternate Script Handles
The original thread discusses how to change the handle of this script (if, for example, you wanted to free up the handle of "w" for another script). The above formations (#silent, etc.) will work with any handle recognized by the script.