As for your macro. Sorry, I still wasn't looking carefully enough. This works (just tested): /w gm &{template:default}{{name=Traps }}{{test=[Bear Trap](!
#trapbear)}} From the Chat Menu entry in the wiki: Global Macro If your macro is a loose, global Macro saved in the l Collections -tab , the code is a little more arcane, since you need to use HTML replacements . Normally calling the macro would be #macro-name , but this is the button: [command name](!
Button syntax to reference a Macro in the collections tab. Try to use only in Abilities, not Macros, since Macros will revert the HTML replacement if you need to edit. The reason for this is that type of button is actually called an API Command Button. You do not need the API to use an API command button, but the macro syntax expects it. When you send [Bear Trap](!
#trapbear) the macro syntax says "what the heck is this? It doesn't start with an exclamation point! I'm going to ignore it!" So you fool it. You use an exclamation point to make the parser think an API command is coming. It will therefore send the rest to chat. but !#trapbear doesn't mean anything to Roll20, so you insert the HTML for a return (
) in between the ! and the macro code. So what the parser sees is two lines: ! //gets passed without an argument and disappears into infinity
#trapbear //is seen by the parser as if you had typed it In other words, the exclamation point makes the button work, and the return code puts the rest on its own line. If #trapbear is a simple die roll, then you are done. This is not a drop down query, so anything you call should not need html replacements in this case. However... If you reopen this after closing it: [command name](!
#macro-name) You will see it has changed to this: [command name](!
#macro-name) This is because the trick you used to get the button to run is parsed when you save the macro. It will work until you re-open it, which is why you should keep pristine copies of this sort of macro in a text file somewhere if it is very complex. You can sidestep this entire issue of HTM replacements by not using macros, but instead write them as Abilities on a Macro Character Sheet . The syntax is much simpler, it requires no HTML replacements, and is portable with the Transmogrifier or Character Vault from game to game. Here are the two links I referenced, again. If you read through them, it should give you a much better understanding of how to accomplish your goals: Chat Menu Macro Character Sheet