keithcurtis said: Hi Raitakamichi! Show your macro (paste the text), and it might be easier to give a specific answer, but you can probably do this with a roll group, if your intent is to show the roll if positive, but return a number no smaller than one: {[[ roll formula ]],[[1d1]]}kh1 1d1 is needed as an alt value since it needs to compare rolls. "kh1" tells the expression to return the formula results or a 1, whichever is higher. Hi, thanks for the quick response, this is my macro: &{template:default} [[ [[@{selected|Atributo Principal} +@{selected|DanoEquip1} + (floor((@{selected|Nível}/2))) +?{Bônus|0} ]] - [[@{target|Defesa física}]] ]] %NEWLINE% $[[0]] - $[[1]]== $[[2]] {{name= [@{selected|NomeEquip1}!](! #0-Ataque-físico-AC" style="color:#ffffff;font-size:16px;font-family:Vollkorn; background-color:#961212;border:2px solid black;text-align:center;display:block;)}} {{@{selected|Nome} = Golpeia com **@{selected|NomeEquip1}** causando: $[[0]] de **@{selected|NomeEquip1|max}.**}}{{Esquiva= passiva de **@{target|Nome}** é = [[@{Target|Esquiva Passiva}]].}}{{Causando= $[[2.computed]] de **Dano final.**}}{{ =[AEpT](! %{selected|16-AEpT};#" style="color:#ffffff;font-size:16px;font-family:Vollkorn; background-color:#961212;border:2px solid black;text-align:center;display:block;margin-left: -85px;)}} In this case, I want to show the value equal to 1, when the value is negative. Is it possible?