Hey all, I've got an idea for creating a roll20-based AP for folks that is "system agnostic". Meaning - the story would be there. The maps would be there. The tokens COULD be there (or you can supply your own). Villians would be flushed out with descriptions of personality and whatnot. Puzzles/skill challenges/et al would be designed with relevant clues and work-arounds. Etc.... Think of it as very similar to a Pathfinder AP with several modules that get progressively more difficult / grander in scale. Setting would be fantasy. But you could plug in character/creature stat blocks from any relevant system (the obvious easy plug-ins would be D&D 1-5 and Pathfinder - but I could see it being viable for GURPS and other systems). I've thought about this a while now and with API and Character sheets, it seems entirely possible.