The RoundMaster API used to use three Unicode characters ▲ ▼ and ∞, but the One-Click install blocks these as illegal characters. I've replaced ▲ with ^ and ▼ with v bit this is not ideal as they are not very visible, and I've not thought of a reasonable replacement for ∞. I've tried using \u#### and string.fromCharCode() but neither of those get past the gatekeepers, either. If I have these characters in the code and load it into the sandbox manually, they work fine. It is definitely the One-Click install that is stripping them out (Why? What problem will they cause?). Can anyone give me any hints for replacing these? Are there alternative equivalent characters that will get past the One-Click install unscathed? Is there some Roll20 or JS library function I'm missing? I will admit to not being a brilliant or experienced coder in JS. Suggestions very welcome.