A number of players and myself are having trouble logging into a game and then staying connected to the server.
A number of players and myself are having trouble logging into a game and then staying connected to the server.
First thing to check is the Roll20 Status page,
which looks OK when I just checked. Checking your connections to Roll20 is more complex.
I have the same exact issue, it wont even let me check the external journal of the game im in. Still managed to play since i know my characters abilitirs and a friend streamed his screen for me but its very annoying. i even tried the mobile app but the same issue is on there.
It was a lot worse this morning. By chance are you using custom DNS servers in your network settings? I was using Google's public DNS servers and switching back to my ISP's default seemed to help substantially but something is still not right. Lots of dropped connections during the game.
Basic traceroutes from my machine to app.roll20.net were normal so I don't see any obvious routing issue. Oddly enough, one player had zero issues logging in or staying connected so I'm a bit confounded on what the problem could be.
EDIT: it does appear there is an issue with Google services, especially for customers on Spectrum internet. I'm not sure how much, if any, of Roll20's infrastructure relies on Google. I think most game stuff uses AWS.
My players and I have been having a ton of trouble with this lately pretty much every saturday during one point or another during our game.
This does sometimes happen on my friday game as well. I have different players with both.
Tonight I had to have ALL of my players as well as my streamed stream restart the roll20 site because it disconnected from the server several times.
This is a PROBLEM.
Oh and i checked my internet and it wasnt a problem with that.
Tonight one of my players consistantly could not stay connected for long and I had a new weird problem. Everytime I went to a new page just as the DM alone, it didn't just load the new page, instead it acted like I was hitting the launch key outside all over again and I had to constantly sit there watching the loading steps for each page. This only happened while I had the combat tracker active on the player ribbon page.
When roll20 is reporting about losing connection, this means it loses the connection to google firebase. This is a connection that should be open constant , at busy times some ISPs close off the least busy connections to cope with high load. Creating load sometimes helps in these cases. For example with api heartbeat script (pro subscribers only).