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[LFP][Free][5e] Saturday nights at 6pm Mountain 8pm Eastern - Tomb of Annihilation


Edited 1647665840
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I've come out of 3 different projects hell and looking to establish another game.  I have all the published modules.  Don't ask for homebrew campaign, don't have time.  Strahd and Tomb of Annihilation are clearly the best of the lot, but all of them are fun.  Some need some love.   If you want gothic horror, Strad is it.  If you want wild, weird and unusual, TOA is it.  I have the rest but they all really require some effort to do because they have some, shall we say, issues.  But I'm thinking TOA.  It's really fun and different.  Unlike most other campaigns, though all of them are good in diff ways.   If you've played TOA, think twice about playing.  If you haven't, consider.  If you are new to D&D definitely join.  I've stopped trying to vet people.  We either get lucky as a group or we don't and move on.   If you look at my profile, I've GM'd 8000 hours since March of 2018.  I honestly don't believe that number.  I know a lot of it was developing APIs for Roll20 (Combat Master and Roll20AM), but that still seems insane.  If they're right, yes i have no life I guess...:)
I’d definitely be down for TOA. Pretty much new to TTRPGs at large and really looking forward to learning. Any other details I can include? Feel free to shoot me a PM.
Im keen to join in mate i have been looking for a new campaign join and tomb of annihilation sounds like a great lot of fun.
Hi. I'd also be interested in TOA. The time slot is good too. If you need another, I have a friend who might be able to join also.

Edited 1647708053
Hello! Me and my girlfriend would love to join! We’ve been looking for a campaign to join and this seems to fit our bill, if you’d have us! Please shoot me a dm or add me on discord: pineapplejuice#2202

Edited 1647705069
I would be interested in this long campaign. This time slot works for me. I have no roll20 exp , but do have D&D exp. I have never played TOA, or CoS! Were you planning to start tonight? Please feel free to DM
i know its late to ask but i would like to join is still open dc is Leagle1985#4431
I would be interesting in joining is there are still any open slots. 
i'd definitely be interested in joining, i'd be interested in CoS or ToA, as ive not played either. ive been a player for a while, but life kept me away from the game until recently, and ive been itching to get back into the swing. let me know your thoughts, im down to pretty much anything.  
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I have 5 invites out now.  If anyone doesn't respond, which has happened, or if someone drops early in game, which also has happened I'll reach out.  Thanks for responding.  
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Still looking for 2 more.  In spite of all the responses, I've reached out to most of the people who have responded here with no responses.  PM me or respond here if you would like to play.  Starting campaign tomorrow night.  
Victor B. said: Still looking for 2 more.  In spite of all the responses, I've reached out to most of the people who have responded here with no responses.  PM me or respond here if you would like to play.  Starting campaign tomorrow night.   DM'd!

Edited 1648306885
hello. I am interested in joining your game if you still have room. I am very experienced in both D&D 5e and Roll20. I have never played the module or any others. I am strictly a homebrew DM, although I have no problem using any of the established D&D errata. Even tho you do not vet, I would still like to spend a few minutes talking to you on discord. If you are interested, my discord name is Zagoma#6298. Send me a friend request and we can chat. I would need no help in creating a character other than to know you rules. 
Victor B.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Discord friend request sent from Vic#5196