unverified said: Well, it's been a long, strange journey reading the 44-pages of this to get a basic handle on ScriptCards. By now it's been said dozens of times, but it bears repeating: tremendous kudos to Kurt for this wonderful tool. First, an observation - the Exit command (--X|) is not documented in the wiki, save for in the video. Secondly a query: i'm having an issue getting character id's to function in the *[ID-] mode. As I want my players to be able to use their macros that access their characters even if they're on a map without a token, I don't want to require a selected token, so I'm trying to hard-code the individual character into each macro. Since I want them to be as portable as possible, I would like to store the ID in a variable or even as the sourceToken, but there aren't a lot of examples here (haven't done the dive into the Working and Sharing thread yet, so mostly I'm using Kurt's old group health macro and a few examples I've found here to go by), and I'm not seeming to have any luck pulling up any traits using that ID. I'm hoping I'm just missing something, but I can't see what it is. As you can see, I've tried a number of variants. Using ScriptCards 1.6.4, only API installed, the character ID is called in the code (and I cut and pasted it), so it's valid, and health is a valid attribute in the character sheet (custom game and custom sheet, but health is simply entered, not calculated, and health is not the only attribute I have tried to retrieve and gotten a null response for). Players-can-ids is set to true, so that's not it either. Code: !scriptcard {{
}} Output: @unverified : I'd be interested to see the HTML of the character sheet for the attributes. I don't really know much about custom sheet development, though. Using the 5E sheet I wasn't able to duplicate this issue :(