Keywords: Anarchy, Cyberpunk, Action-Drama, Neo-noir Timezone and Dates: Unknown; my timezone is GMT+2, and at the moment I can do any day but Wednesday. Other limitations: Can't GM at the moment, no mic/voice capability (text only), has ideas that are too cool to pass on (trust him) Lately I've burned way too many hours through this thing . One of the things there that grabbed me by my shirt collar and gave me a Pennywise stare while whispering "tell strangers on the internet about me" was the game's setting, which can be summarized by this stab of badassery: "They all float down here, ja..." (You can see a much better version in the artist's gallery , by the way, if you wanna catch a better glimpse of the troll in the background - ...because there's a troll in the background somewhere, and he's playing it cool) Bit o' Background: Berlin 2070s Ah, Berlin. The home of "Run Lola Run" . The city grew as cities do, monstrous and all-consuming, covering ashen ruins with new layers and letting them rot above the old. Spreading its gray layers across the land and stretching its decrepit concrete claws to claim itself some more. This magnificent dystopia is cracked and fragmented, the fires of riots washed across the city and ousted it from the hands of greedy suits and conspiring puppeteers, handing it to the sweaty palms of the little people. Anarchy reigned outside the corporations' control and the city was divided into kiez, which are sorta like neighborhoods. Each was like its own little kingdom with its own little rules. Gangs and anarchists (and sometimes, local Shadowrunners) cared for their own kiez. Then the corps crept back in, muscled the anarchists back and wrestled territory away. They pushed the anarchists back to the eastern parts of the city, then they put up a wall (again) to keep the chaos at bay while greed and profit returned to rule. 15 years and an easy truce later, Anarchist East and Corporate West each exists like its own nation (and mini-nations on the anarchists' side), still separated by that huge (and heavily-patrolled) wall. A nice dystopia, perfect breeding grounds for shady action and splatterpunk drama... Bottom Line: What I'm Proposing So, like I said, awesome. See? I told you it'd be worth it to trust me. I'm pretty much hyped for the setting and its potential, and I thought it could be cool to step into the shoes of one such gang of anarchists (turned shadowrunners?) who Robin Hood for their kiez in the face of corporate oppression. Our Kiez can serve as the hotbed for local drama with regular characters, shady dealings, dilemmas (the kiez's well-being might be on our shoulders) and trouble, Runs - the Other Side of the Wall can be a prized target for some anarchist Robin Hood'ing, again Runs and shadier dealings. Some people are talking about getting a Shadowrun (5th edition) game together, so why not join me and making it an Anarchist Berliner reality? I'm looking for a willing* GM to keep that ball in the air and turn it into a game. Whaddya say? Let's see some cyberarms raised up, chummers. ---- * Unwilling GMs may be "extracted" from rival corporations on a case by case basis.