Feral Adventures Playtest Details Hello folks and welcome to the Playtest Details for&nbsp; Feral Adventures .&nbsp; Feral adventures is (will be) a 3 rd &nbsp;party book to enhance the shapeshifting rules used set forth in Pathfinder 1e as well as add rules for playing as animals, or even animal companions, mounts or familiars. The initial playtest will start on Saturday, April 30, 2022 at 7:00pm (EASTERN Standard Time).&nbsp; Each phase of the playtest will run for roughly 4 weeks and last for between 3-4 hours each session.&nbsp; Between each playtest phase their will be one week where we discuss the game as played so far and what may be improved or tweaked. The game will be entirely free to play, however, their will be an associated Kickstarter to help the eventual costs of illustrations, layout and advertising, of which you are under no obligation participate if you do not wish.&nbsp; If you are interested in helping with illustrations, layouts,&nbsp; HeroLabs (Classic) &nbsp;or&nbsp; Fantasy Grounds &nbsp;coding or other aspects of the game please send me a private message on discord or roll20. The playtest material may be found on&nbsp; Google Docs &nbsp;as a PDF.&nbsp; Regrettably the pdf did not convert from its original file format properly, so it does not have bookmarks at this time.&nbsp; Please be aware that this game is NOT new player friendly as I desire individuals who have some experience with the pathfinder system. Character Creation Rules During the first round of playtesting we will only allow the Pathfinder Core Books, plus Pathfinder Unchained, Ultimate Wilderness and the Advanced (Race and Class Guides) and Ultimate Books (Magic, Combat).&nbsp; And we will not be using the&nbsp; No Feat Tax Rules , subsequent playtest rounds will use a larger variety of material and will always use the No Feat Tax rules. Character Creation Number of Players: &nbsp;4 or 5 (Spectators unlimited). &nbsp;Game will be streamed on twitch. Date/Time: &nbsp;Saturday, April 30, 2022; 7:00pm – 11:00pm. &nbsp;Weekly, until module is complete. Medium: &nbsp;Voice on Discord, no video. Starting Level: &nbsp;1 st &nbsp;level. Ability Points: &nbsp;Point Buy 20 Wealth: &nbsp;Starting Wealth based on 1 st &nbsp;level characters. Traits/Flaws: &nbsp;two traits + 1 (optional) drawback.&nbsp; Additional drawbacks allowed but they offer no additional traits. Terrain: &nbsp;The game will take place in a coastal forest with mountains nearby. Climate: &nbsp;Autumn, in a temperate region. Details: &nbsp;Playtest #1 will last roughly 4 weeks (3-4hrs session) with 1 wrap-up session to offer comments and feedback.&nbsp; The game will be using the GameMastery Module D0 (Hollow’s Last Hope) and will test all aspects of the characters, roleplay, social, combat, and skill.&nbsp; The first round of testing will focus on the new races, Shae Centaur, Halfhill Felid; the new class Battlemorph (a non-spellcasting shapeshifter), and the new shapeshifting mechanics which replace the Beast Shape spell as the normal method of how abilities in an alternate form are granted.&nbsp; As well as low-level starting character balance for selected content for testing. The Game Entry can be found here:&nbsp; <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/327988/feral-adventures-playtest-number-1" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/327988/feral-adventures-playtest-number-1</a>. &nbsp; Please feel free to reach out to me for additional details.&nbsp; I'd be happy to share my discord upon request.