As things get out of hand, and even when they don't, I really recommend the Search API script. The Aaron, as always, does a fantastic job. It's in the one-click, and here is the basic description: "Search provides full text searching across handouts and characters (including attributes). Search uses an Okapi BM25F+ search engine with Porter stemming and stop word removal to provide fast results after building initial indexes. Index construction occurs at API startup, in the background. The GM is notified when indexing is finished. Indexing can take a few minutes, but won't slow down any other processes due to a great deal of deferring of processing. [NOTE from Valerie -- this also let's you know the API is up and running when the "ready" indicator shows up in the chat.] Search respects permissions on handouts and characters. GMs can search on all things, where as players can only search based on what they can see. Seeing a handout allows a player to search on it's name and notes fields. Seeing a character allows a player to search on it's name and bio fields. Controlling a character allows searching on it's attribute s as well. Only GMs can search on gmnotes ." The search puts a batch of links in the chat to any game document (character/NPC/monster sheet or handout) that includes the word used. It won't do complex searches, so you have to think of good words, but it's still very powerful. It will also pull things that have been archived, so if I've moved handouts out of sight, with or without putting links into another handout in an attempt to tame them, the search function will find it. I keep a macro button in the bar to call Search, and recommend my players do the same. I realize this doesn't solve the organization problem directly, but you can play with different forms of organization without fearing losing anything.