I am new to script cards and have been referred here from another posting where I asked about creating complex dice rolls for warhammer DARK HERESY 1e. They have some fairly interesting ways of handling rolls, especially damage and crits. I think I have an idea of how to do some basic if/else work. But the problem is that I seem to run into is that the result of the dice needs to be flipped. That is if the dice rolls a 52, the result becomes 25 (for the purpose of determining what where on the body a hit strikes. I was wondering if anyone had a good way of handling this using ScriptCards. Or even better, if anyone has some script cards codes already set up for DARK HERESY 1e, so I dont need to reinvent the wheel. For reference, the attack roll/damage rules for dark heresy are as follows: 1. Hit Test To make a melee attack with a hand-held weapon, you must be engaged with your target. Test Weapon Skill. When making a ranged attack, you Test Ballistic Skill. Both of these are like any other Tests. If you roll equal to or below your Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill, you hit your opponent. 2. Determine Hit Location On a successful hit, you next need to determine where the hit landed. Using the Test result, reverse the order of the dice, (e.g. a roll of 32 becomes 23, 19 becomes 91, and so on) and compare this number to Table 7-7: Hit Locations. Note that certain creatures with different body shapes, or mounted opponents, may use different hit location tables. 3. Determine Damage Once you’ve determined the Hit Location, it is time to work out any Damage you have dealt. Each weapon has a Damage listing. This is usually a die roll, plus or minus a number. Roll the appropriate die, and add the Damage Bonus of the weapon. Finally, if you are using a melee weapon, add your Strength Bonus. This is the Damage total. If you roll a “10” on any of your Damage dice, you have a chance of Righteous Fury! (see sidebar). [Righteous Fury: If you get a Nat 10 (or a result of 10 when rolling d5s). The chat output will announce it so you are aware and can roll to hit again.] 4. Apply Damage From the Damage total, your opponent subtracts his Toughness Bonus and any Armour Points that protect the location that is hit. If this reduces the Damage total to 0 or less, your opponent has shrugged off the attack. Any remaining Damage is recorded on his character sheet as Damage. Should this injury equal or exceed his Wounds, he notes any excess as critical Damage and the GM consults the appropriate table based on the weapon used and the amount of Critical Damage accumulated. See Critical Damage on page 201 for more information. I will continue to work on this, on my end and try and create a basic set of scripts to handle this. Thank you in advance.