I'm trying to use the OnMyTurn script from this post - <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/6608405/script-onmyturn-activate-an-ability-in-the-context-of-a-token-when-its-turn-occurs/" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/6608405/script-onmyturn-activate-an-ability-in-the-context-of-a-token-when-its-turn-occurs/</a> I've got it working with simple die rolls, but when I try to include a query, I receive an error. Here's the command that I've placed in the OnMyTurn ability &{template:default}{{name=Generate Ferocity}}{{Ferocity Generated=[[?{How many adjacent enemies}+1d4]]}} Here is the error that appears in the API console: "OnMyTurn: ERROR PARSING: &{template:default}{{name=Generate Ferocity}}{{Ferocity Generated=[[?{How many adjacent enemies}+1d4]]}}" "OnMyTurn: ERROR: SyntaxError: Expected \"(\", \".\", \"[\", \"abs(\", \"ceil(\", \"d\", \"floor(\", \"round(\", \"t\", \"{\", [ |\\t], [+|\\-] or [0-9] but \"?\" found." It looks like it doesn't like the question mark from query, is there a way to get it to accept that? Thanks in advance!