Hi. When I have put a map down on a campaign page, and expand it as far as possible, it will most often than not have moved a bit when I leave and return.
Any tips on getting a page to stay still?
Hi. When I have put a map down on a campaign page, and expand it as far as possible, it will most often than not have moved a bit when I leave and return.
Any tips on getting a page to stay still?
You can use the Token Lock feature on map images too. I do it all the time, but I snap maps to the grid and then turn the grid off.
Thanks. I'll try that for some troublesome maps. But I was wondering if there was a way to just have a page stay in the same view when you leave and come back. Like some pages I just put a few images on (usually as tokens). For example several images of a character who was involved in a fashion show in different outfits. But the entire page has moved when anybody goes to it. You know, it has scrolled down or up. The page itself, not any maps or images. Can you get the entire page (with images on it or not) to just say put how you leave it? Or is the view of it when you open the page more reliant on the things you put into it?
Sorry if that is confusing. Still a bit of a noob.
Edit: I just went back into the game, and that page in question (though all my pages do it) has not only scrolled down a bit by itself, but also went from 50% view to 100% view without me doing anything. So its the page itself that has a mind of its own. And my players will always find the pages a bit off as well when then go in. Dang, frustrating :(
I don't know of a way of doing that off the top of my head, but it wouldn't surprise me if there's an API script to do it.
I just couldn't find it with a quick search of the Wiki.
The page is separate from the vtt UI. This means that if you change zoom and location on one map page, the UI is set to that zoom and that location. When you switch map pages, the UI will be using whatever zoom you have set and will attempt to go to that same position if it is available on the new page. If you leave a game and then log back in, the UI will return to the default setting. The top of the map page will always be at the top of the screen when re-entering a game (I didn't test a map page below 10 cells), but the position of the left edge will vary based on how wide the page is. If it is wider than your screen, then the left edge will be up against the left edge of the UI.
If your intent is to direct players to a starting point of the map, there is also this script (by Nick Olivo?)
Place a token on the GM layer called "PlayerStart". Whenever any player loads that page, they will be ping-pulled to that point. It doesn't solve your zoom issue, but it's a handy script for managing the player view at any rate.
if(msg.type=="api" && msg.content.indexOf("!pingStart")==0){
function pingStartToken(){
var tokens = findObjs({
var playerStartToken = tokens[0];
if (playerStartToken===undefined){