Hello! Long time GM, first time posting here. I run a 5e game every other Saturday, from 3 PM - 9 PM (MT). It is an in-progress game, but the nature of the game allows for characters to drop-in and out as needed. This has created a bit of problem however, as my players drop-out more often than they drop in, leaving me with only one consistent player. I'm open to running with as few as two players, and as many as 6, but my ideal situation is 4. I have two concerns with finding players online, which is why I'm only resorting to it now. One is that I run a very heavily modified game, so the rules can be, uh, not what you're used to (as can be the setting, if you know it). That means that the game can be pretty unfriendly to sticklers for the rules-as-written, although I'm quite open to criticism and changes. Second, and more importantly, I run a Queer-friendly game, and I just want to be sure that anyone who wants to play is okay with that. Otherwise, this game is a player driven sandbox, with a heavy emphasis on Dungeon crawls, and takes place in a modified Thunder Rift, which itself is placed into a modified Mystara. What did I change? Let's just say that Mr. Welch would probably not approve.&nbsp; Link to the game:&nbsp; <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/334939/thunder-rift" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/334939/thunder-rift</a>