Karamunduria is a resource starved, wild, untamed wasteland with just a few human settlements and cities. While the majority of the civilized world has largely rebuilt and rebounded from the cataclysmic Dark Times, Kuramenduria never quite fully recovered. The vast majority of its landmass is lawless and dominated by gangs of roving bandits and worse. As the PC's begin their adventuring careers in this environment, scrounging for resources in the outback and navigating the endless hazards and dangers of the desert, something sinister is brewing in the skies that will set the whole land on fire.

Meanwhile, entire regions have been fully siphoned dry of resources by adventurers, wanderers, or bandits. Little grows in these regions. Water is extremely scarce. Two of these wasteland regions in particular are home to The Rock Crawlers and The Liberated. The Rock Crawlers live in mountainous regions, using Wyverns they tamed to navigate the treacherous bluffs. The Liberated roam the desert regions, plundering and taking resources from the land and the people.

Raiders of the land (parasite is not too strong a word) take what they need to survive and what they want for their own personal pleasure. Perhaps unable, unwilling, or having been blackmailed or cajoled into the lifestyle, they will not work to feed, clothe, and equip themselves. Instead, they take what they want and need from traveling caravans, merchants, wanderers, and adventurers.

Each tribe is led by the most violent and vicious individual in the tribe. Her or his right hand people will be rewarded with special treatment and the choicest cut of the loot to keep them loyal. Underlings are kept in line through scraps, peanuts, and the promise of violence.

Such tribes carve their lives out in the forsaken regions of Karamunduria. Badlands, cliffs, mountains, and deserts are where they often make their homes. This happens due to two basic factors, one is being forced away from the choicest lands due to their outlaw nature. Two is that the remoteness insulates the tribes from retribution to some degree.

In spite of the barren environment and the appearance of such ominous phenomena that have been sighted throughout the land, the characters are encouraged by fresh opportunities at fortune and fame, which can be found even in Kuramenduria.


I love DM'ing and world-building. I am 45 years old and have been DM'ing for 30 years. I have a campaign world setting of my own design that is expansive and detailed. This includes a 350pg world book with maps, adventures, classes, races, deities, rich history and lore.

  • Seeking up to 3 players
  • DM: Thorin Teague
  • Discord Contact: Thorin Teague#1469
  • Campaign: Syseria/Shattered World Homebrew
  • System: D&D 5e
  • Platforms: Roll20/Discord voice
  • Time: 8pm-12am Eastern Time Mondays
  • Player Slots: 7 max
  • All core & 1st party accessories allowed; no UA or 3rd party
  • Fee: $10/session (e.g. $10/week) submitted via Paypal; 1st game session free─This is pretty negotiable. If you like art or world building, I like labor-trading.
  • For $10/session you are getting:
  • All core compendiums and many accessory compendiums. If I am missing one you need for your character I will buy it.
  • 30+ years DM experience, started in 1989. Laid back, respectful, and inclusive atmosphere for all.
  • Pro Roll20 w/API & c.100% visuals
  • Expansive posttechnology world
  • High magic setting (for infrastructure, no difference for PC's), global communication, fast global travel, spacefaring
  • Players get (Core/homebrew) + 1st party supplements to build PC’s, no beta/UA
  • Use Discord for Chat

Please note that Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.