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Q&A with CTO Morgan Buck - Operation Fire Bolt + Product Updates


Edited 1655859660
Roll20 Team
Hello everyone! Live Q&A with Morgan Buck is over Thank you to everyone who joined in during this first Q&A session, but alas our time is up. We will be leaving this thread open for folks to follow up with any clarifications but we will not be answering any new questions. Feel free to read through the questions and answers thus far and be sure to keep your eyes peeled for opportunities like this in the future! Do you have questions about  Operation Firebolt  or happened to miss the  Spring updates ? Are you just curious about what is coming next? Then this Q&A session is for you! Right here in this thread, we will be opening for a live Q&A session with Roll20's CTO Morgan Buck. So prep your questions ahead of time and get ready! Morgan will be answering as many questions as possible, just drop them as a reply to this thread during the time frame below. Q&A Details Date:  June 21 Times:  3:30 PM PT to 6:00 PM PT (10:30 PM UTC to 1:00 AM UTC) Where:  Right here in this thread! We will be updating and opening this announcement thread during the time slots. We are really looking forward to hearing from and talking to folks -- see you there!
Hey all!  Morgan here, Chief Technical Officer at Roll20 and also overseeing our Product Team.  Let me get the basics out of the way!  I’ve been with Roll20 since early 2020.  Prior to that I worked in video games, including League of Legends, Legends of Runeterra and Smuggler’s Run, the Millenium Falcon ride at Disneyland and Disneyworld.  I’ve been playing TTRPGs for over 30 years.  And um … I’m an Aquarius?  I have a few things I’m excited to talk about, as well.  We have dark mode coming for the rest of the site very soon.  As we mentioned in our latest product update , we have a lot of improvements coming on the VTT including transparent barriers, interactive doors and windows, and new VTT layers.  We also are well into the design phase on a big user interface revamp on the Virtual Tabletop!  On top of that, we have some pretty significant improvements to Character Sheets and the character sheet creation ecosystem that we’re eager to put in your hands! Last but not least, Operation Fire Bolt is going full steam ahead.  We’ve made some big improvements to latency on our Quantum Roll servers, improving dice performance during peak hours.  I’m also excited to share that the New Roll20 Voice & Video Beta is on its way!  In fact, I have a form right here that you can send in if you’re interested in a chance to test it out! I’m eager to hear your questions and give you all a bit of a peek behind the curtain.  I’ll try to answer whatever I can but my specific area of expertise is software development teams and the features those teams work on.   Let’s go!
Any specific update on requested enhancements like, "Custom Compendium" and "Marketplace Item Review/Scoring"?  Also - What should we expect next for Operation Fire Bolt in terms of performance improvements? Anything you can tell us about the VTT user interface revamp and the Character Sheets?
Hi Morgan,  Thanks for this opportunity, I'm really enjoying dark mode on the VTT and the performance improvements I can feel from the operation firebolt its all very much appreciated.  My question is around APIs, do you know if Roll20 has ever considered integrating the more popular  API functionalities into the VTT? I've found friends that want to DM are put off by the level of tech skill needed or required to learn to use the APIs but they have also gotten used to used to the improvements they bring to a game.  It feels like Roll20 could score some easy wins if they can already see mass customer preferences on how they APIs are being used and integrate them for the whole system.  
Will M. said: Any specific update on requested enhancements like, "Custom Compendium" Custom Compendium is in research!  The team working on this is the same one enhancing Character Sheet capabilities which is somewhat necessary to unblock everything we want to do with this.  I wish I could give more specifics on when we'll start working on this, but it will depend on how long some of the character sheet work takes.  My hope:  before the year is over we'll start working on it, but we'll keep you posted!!  and "Marketplace Item Review/Scoring"? This one isn't on our roadmap just yet.  We know its important, but if I had to guess I would say we're likely to turn our sites to Marketplace improvements sometime early next year.  If we can slot it in earlier we will definitely try!  Also - What should we expect next for Operation Fire Bolt in terms of performance improvements? Fire Bolt has already launched improvements to Dice Roll performance that they'll be summarizing soon.  The next big thing is a complete overhaul of Voice and Video chat.  That's moving into Beta soon and you can fill out this form to express interest.  After that they're probably turning their attention towards Token performance on the VTT, which we are hoping will make the use of animated tokens much better as well! Anything you can tell us about the VTT user interface revamp We're in heavy testing on this one.  We want to make sure that we don't make any mistakes and that the changes really are an improvement for the  majority of users.  We have a couple of goals with the changes.  The first goal is to reduce the learning curve for players and GMs.  We know folks, especially newer users, can easily get lost in a sea of menus and layers.  We're trying to reduce the mental load of that while still keeping all of the powerful tools advanced GMs rely on at a click.  Another major goal is to streamline game setup for GMs.  We think we can succeed in making game setup not just easier but actually fun.  Finally, another major goal is immersion.  We want a user interface that gets out of users' way and lets them focus on the game.  A user interface that enhances the experience rather than distracting from it!   and the Character Sheets? For developers our existing character sheet system is pretty archaic and you have to know a lot about hacks and workarounds to make a really incredible sheet.  Our goal is to create a system where developers can bring their existing experience with web app development to Roll20 character sheets and make some really incredible tools.  We're going to start with experimenting with this internally, so the first thing you'll see is some significant level ups to the sheets we're outputting.  Once we sort out security we hope to make these tools available to everyone.  

Edited 1655852381
Jared said: Hi Morgan,  Thanks for this opportunity, I'm really enjoying dark mode on the VTT and the performance improvements I can feel from the operation firebolt its all very much appreciated.  My question is around APIs, do you know if Roll20 has ever considered integrating the more popular  API functionalities into the VTT? I've found friends that want to DM are put off by the level of tech skill needed or required to learn to use the APIs but they have also gotten used to used to the improvements they bring to a game.  It feels like Roll20 could score some easy wins if they can already see mass customer preferences on how they APIs are being used and integrate them for the whole system.   Absolutely!  I was hoping someone would ask about API scripts.  Like I mentioned in my answer to Will, there is a lot of emphasis in our user interface redesigns that are focused on improving quality of life.  The new character sheets will also expose a lot of functionality that was previously API only to sheets so that they can be more powerful out of the box.  Some of the most common functionality of critical API scripts will end up being covered by that work.   All that said, there are certain types of advanced functions, especially system specific ones, that make more sense as dedicated scripts and add-ons for that game system.  But we think there are improvements that can be done there as well.  The average user shouldn't need to be technically savvy to install the most common and popular API scripts.  It should be one click and zero-management, log checking, manual restarts, etc.  Sure power users want to look at the code and hack it to obey their specific needs, but the majority of subscribers should be able to get cool API scripts into their game without a computer science degree.  
With the changes to the VTT UI,  any improvements or adjustments coming to the Jukebox? I enjoy having musical cues set up in my adventures, but the default interface is a bit clumsy for mixing together tracks. Searching for audio from the built in tracks, or even through my own uploads is also cumbersome when there's so many options.
Coldin said: With the changes to the VTT UI,  any improvements or adjustments coming to the Jukebox? I enjoy having musical cues set up in my adventures, but the default interface is a bit clumsy for mixing together tracks. Searching for audio from the built in tracks, or even through my own uploads is also cumbersome when there's so many options. We'll definitely be looking at the interface in that area and making sure its more intuitive and more reliable.  Navigation and organization is a big part of what we're hoping to clean up in all of those user interfaces.   Even better, though, is that we are beginning to scope out some potential APIs that will, we hope, allow us to integrate with a broader variety of audio providers and GM soundboard tools in the future.  That work is a bit further down the road, but we're definitely excited about the idea.  
Thanks Morgan,  Very much appreciated, I was also wondering if there is anything on the roadmap to improve or update how animated images work with Roll20 (especially around performance)? I know file size is big factor but just curious. 
Hi Morgan, not sure you can reply to these but...... Could you give us an update on what is in store for Starfinder please Adventure Paths are much needed here Fixes on the character sheet for Dark Mode Fixes on the Mech sheet so they are usable in combat Starfinder charactermancer? Older books still not out yet for Starfinder, Armory, Pact Worlds, Character Operations Manual and Near Space The only thing listed to come out as of right now is The Drift Crisis in July so I would assume there are other products that will make it out or is that it for the moment? Thanks Tom
You've all probably noticed that I'm needing to be a bit more roundabout in talking about the VTT user interface changes.  All of the designs in that area are still being iterated on and getting a lot of user testing, so its hard for me to know right now exactly how each piece of the UI will look or function in the end.  So its easier for me to share with you the philosophy behind what we're trying to change and that we're going to do extensive user testing to make sure we've hit those philosophical goals for each piece we change.  
Me again Morgan :) Pathfinder 2nd Edition questions PF II Charactermancer time frame please, as its been a long while and still nothing concrete but it is still planned?? Adding conditions to the NPC/Monster sheets as it is quite critical in running games, is it being thought about, worked on yet? Age of Ashes Adventure Path, will it ever be worked on? Paizo has offered to have a hands on team member on their end to work hand in hand with Roll20 developers to get future products realized and out on Roll20, would you consider this? Thanks Tom
Tom said: Hi Morgan, not sure you can reply to these but...... Could you give us an update on what is in store for Starfinder please Hey Tom!  Content is a bit outside of my field.  Content conversion is done by an entire team outside of Software Development or Product.  But I do have some tidbits for you!  First off, we're doing some heavy rounds of improvements on our content conversion tools right now.  The goal of that is to make it faster and easier for us to convert content like Adventure Paths and character option books to Roll20 so that we can get more of that content converted and released.   We also know how important good character sheets and character creation workflows are and how far we have to go to meet expectations for Starfinder players.  We're exploring a lot of different options to get you those tools.  Unfortunately I'm not able to get concrete dates or commitments on that.  There are some exciting possibilities that are opened up by the new character sheet system, though, so I think we are getting very close to a plan.  I'm personally a big fan of Paizo so I'm with you.  We need to get there.  
Sorry to bombard with my questions but I wouldn't want to miss this opportunity.   Is there anything on the roadmap to improve performance around explorer mode in Updated Dynamic Lighting?  I've participated in the surveys for the new VTT UI and I'm definitely liking what I'm seeing but when the UI is updated will both versions run concurrently with the new version being opt in or will it be a swap over?  I'm just a little concerned a big UI change would introduce bugs or need sometime for me to be comfortable using it when DMing games.  Thanks again!
Tom said: Pathfinder 2nd Edition questions Most of the answers here are really similar to the Starfinder answers above.  We're putting the pieces in place to make this happen, but I unfortunately can't give committed dates right now.   We absolutely love working with publishers to help optimize the conversion and release of their products on Roll20.  Content is a bit out of my zone of influence so I don't know much about this particular offer from Paizo you're mentioning, but our Content team speaks to them regularly.  
Thanks Morgan, kind of what I expected but never hurts to ask these days, good to hear that some of these might be doable once all the pieces are in place.  It just gets so frustrating the lack of any real info given, things just "show up", or promised but seemingly forgotten when the new biggest thing comes up on Roll20 sadly. As to that Paizo offer,  Andrew White  Front-End Engineering Lead at Paizo Inc and  Marketing Manager Aaron Shanks of Paizo  are the two to get into contact with. Tom
Anything you can tell us about the new VTT layers, or how it might interact with Dynamic Lighting? I know an Animated or Weather layer has been on the discussion for a long while.
Jared said: Is there anything on the roadmap to improve performance around explorer mode in Updated Dynamic Lighting?  I'm not sure what sorts of things you've worked through for your own performance issues in this area so I apologize if I'm saying things you already know or have already tried.  The majority of issues with Explorer Mode that we were seeing in the first part of the year were due to browser memory usage, which was addressed by lazy loading, Fire Bolt's first project, and that improved things for many users.  We still occasionally receive tickets for Explorer Mode performance issues but most involve users who are experiencing some sort of hardware or browser settings issue.  Fire Bolt is planning to look at Token performance more broadly this year, which may uncover the roots of any further token/explorer mode edge case issues.  Right now we haven't seen enough reports of other Explorer Mode issues there to target that above the other things on Fire Bolt's roadmap, but if we hear more or get some specific reproduction steps we would absolutely change that and get some work scheduled to improve things.  If you or some of your players are still seeing issues with Explorer Mode it would be helpful for us if you sent in a support ticket and go through the workflow with our XP team.  Either they can help you fix things on your end, or if we're wrong and there are still global issues, that'll help us start tracking them down.   I've participated in the surveys for the new VTT UI and I'm definitely liking what I'm seeing but when the UI is updated will both versions run concurrently with the new version being opt in or will it be a swap over?  I'm just a little concerned a big UI change would introduce bugs or need sometime for me to be comfortable using it when DMing games.  We don't have a release plan fully mapped out for the user interface changes just yet, but I hear your concern!  I'm not a big fan of rolling out overhauls like this as a single giant change at all, for the same reasons you stated.  More likely, we will be rolling these changes out bit by bit and fixing bugs as we go. 
Tom said: As to that Paizo offer,  Andrew White  Front-End Engineering Lead at Paizo Inc and  Marketing Manager Aaron Shanks of Paizo  are the two to get into contact with. I'll forward that information along, thank you!
Coldin said: Anything you can tell us about the new VTT layers, or how it might interact with Dynamic Lighting? I know an Animated or Weather layer has been on the discussion for a long while. The first thing we're looking to do in this area is to add a Foreground layer.  This layer will appear above the existing layers.  It will be usable for animations and weather effects and a lot more.  

Edited 1655857791
Forum Champion
Hello, Morgan and Roll20 Team! 3 areas of questions I've been saving up for this. 1: Multiple sheets in a game Will some form of this Suggestion ever be possible? Can the Dev brains of Roll20 find a way to work around the technical challenges presented by support for Multiple Character Sheet types, in a single Game? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Can we get a thoughtful Roll20 Team reply in the Suggestion thread for it? Votes on +189. Does the Team understand the various reasons for the request? There are several valid reasons given by users. An answer would be helpful to give hope, or permanantly squash it. 2: Dark Mode audit from Roll20 Team across Roll20 Community Sheets for Roll Templates Dark Mode is awesome. Thanks. I'm glad it's coming to the rest of Roll20 website soon. The problem I'm having is with hard-to-see dice numbers, on Roll Templates in Roll20 Chat, from Community Created character sheets. Many of these Community sheets are not being revisited to be edited, fixed, updated for Dark Mode support. For 100 different sheet authors to update 100 different sheets, 100 people need to learn how to do that, and devote their time to it. Morgan, can Roll20 Team just assign a Team Member to professionally comb through all of the Community Created sheets, and update their Roll Templates to be colors that are visible in Dark Mode? Rather than relying on Community sheet authors to find out how Dark Mode looks on rolls. An example is this Swords &amp; Wizardry character sheet which has a Roll Template with Black Numbers (that appear invisible against the Purple background of Dark Mode). The numbers need to be changed to non-colorized so that it will obey the Light Mode or Dark Mode, or changed to a neutral color, or given a new CSS that works for Dark Mode. 3: LFG improvements. What's the outlook or strategy or upcoming features that will Help people Connect to more games? Help people Find games. Help people calendar and reminder, as-to When your upcoming games are. In the surveys on Roll20 last year (2020-2021), Roll20 reported that this was the #1 leading area that Roll20 users reported wanting improvements. People wanted help to get into games, to find games, to form gaming groups. There was a brief homepage redesign (with the pink "Schedule Game Now!" buttons), but that was rescinded, back to the old drawing board. Is there another itteration on the horizon? Thanks for taking our questions today on the Community Forum!

Edited 1655858012
Forum Champion
On the above, Question 1,&nbsp; I want to emphasize for clarity, I am not asking Roll20 Team to update Community Character sheets to Dark Mode (in which the Character Sheet becomes dark). I am only asking for Roll20 Team to professionally and comprehensively update the Roll Templates CSS, on pre-existing Community Created sheets, that are not being actively revisited by their original community sheet authors, so that the dice output in chat can be readable. In other words, "Save the neglected Community Sheets" from making all those game systems unplayable due to unreadable inline dice rolls in chat in dark mode. You see, people who like Dark Mode can still survive with a White Background character sheet. For example we can move the Roll Buttons to the Quickbar and minimize the Character Sheet itself. But we cannot really play the game at all in Dark Mode when the Dice Output in chat is unreadable because the Roll Template is black text on purple background for inline dice rolls. Fixing the Roll Templates for inline dice rolls is important for playability. Fixing the Sheets to be totally Dark Mode would be a bonus, but not the main point, and not my question or request here.&nbsp;
Gold said: Multiple sheets in a game This is actually the first time I've personally been exposed to this suggestion since it predates my time here, so I have some catch-up to do!&nbsp; I'm I correct in understanding that the main reason why the current solution, a single sheet with multiple 'modes' doesn't meet expectations primarily because the existing sheet system would force you to keep that all in one massive, gross, overly-complex sheet file which is not fun to maintain.&nbsp; Are there other reasons for this that I'm not understanding?&nbsp;&nbsp; The new sheet ecosystems we're developing allow for a much more maintainable and modern sheet, and doing those as a single sheet application would allow for code sharing and many other desirable things.&nbsp; In the new ecosystem each sheet is effectively a web application that can utilize all of the organizational tools a modern web developer would expect, which would allow for solid segmentation of the code for these sheets modes.&nbsp;&nbsp; Is there a need to have the definition of which character uses which sheet at a higher level?&nbsp; For example, when you are making a new character in the Journal would you want to be selecting, "New NPC", "New Vehicle" etc?&nbsp; Can you help me out with some other use cases you feel are important here?&nbsp;&nbsp;

Edited 1655858774
Gold said: 2: Dark Mode audit from Roll20 Team across Roll20 Community Sheets for Roll Templates With over a thousand community sheets this could be a prohibitively large task for our team as well, but I will bounce your request here to that team and take a look at it.&nbsp; I think there might be some potential systemic fixes we can come up with to keep these sheets functional that wouldn't require manual work.&nbsp; Our community sheets are a huge asset to the community, though, and I agree that we should try to do something with them.&nbsp; This was actually a big part of our rationale for making the dark mode button so front-and-center:&nbsp; we knew that there would be many circumstances with older community sheets where folks would need to toggle back to light mode.&nbsp; That's ok in the short term but we should look at a longer term fix.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Gold said: 3: LFG improvements. I'm so happy you asked.&nbsp; There is indeed another iteration on the horizon.&nbsp; While I can't get into the specifics of it just yet, work is underway.&nbsp; You can expect news in this area in the next few months.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Forum Champion
To give you a good answer on this, I need to think on it longer, and there's 1 minute left in this chat. Should I PM you later? Morgan B. said: Is there a need to have the definition of which character uses which sheet at a higher level?&nbsp; For example, when you are making a new character in the Journal would you want to be selecting, "New NPC", "New Vehicle" etc?&nbsp; Can you help me out with some other use cases you feel are important here?&nbsp;&nbsp;
Live Q&amp;A with Morgan Buck is over Thank you to everyone who joined in during this first Q&amp;A session, but alas our time is up. We will be leaving this thread open for folks to follow up with any clarifications but we will not be answering any new questions. Keep your eyes peeled for opportunities like this in the future! For the remaining questions before this post-- not to worry! We will be working on getting answers as soon as we can over the next few days. You'll find them being added in to this thread directly. Cheers!
Gold said: Should I PM you later? We'll leave this thread open for a bit to get comments and clarifications on the existing questions, so thats an option, but you can PM me as well!&nbsp;
Forum Champion
A hot-key combination should resolve the Quick-Flip for the edge-case users who are still needing to Toggle back-and-forth frequently. You know, something like Control-D, that can be enabled, to toggle Dark Mode on/off.&nbsp; So that we can remove the prominent switch from the map area. Morgan B. said: This was actually a big part of our rationale for making the dark mode button so front-and-center:&nbsp; we knew that there would be many circumstances with older community sheets where folks would need to toggle back to light mode.&nbsp; That's ok in the short term but we should look at a longer term fix.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Thanks Morgan!
A bit late, but when can we expect that foreground layer?
Hi Morgan, do you know if battlemap folders will be implemented into the game?

Edited 1655936215
Forum Champion
The Suggestions thread link really has a lot of Users speaking to their various Use Cases. I don't speak for everyone in the thread, I recommend Roll20 technical staff just read the thread, the users in there have articulated it very well, very emphatically, over just 2 pages of posts and +189 votes so far. We've been asking about this for years. There is not a Roll20 Team reply in the thread, so far.&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I would say there are about 5 different use-cases, that repeatedly come up in the thread. 1. The leading example is be able to play a Werewolf in a game of Vampire.&nbsp; Without someone developing a massive All-White-Wolf tabbed character sheet. This is the most common, concrete example request that makes sense especially since it's all Games coming from the same publisher that are commonly played in crossover. Allow us to compatibly play games that are normally considered compatible and interchangeable. Similarly, for games that have 2 or more Community Created Character Sheets (for example games with a French and English, or games with a Simple version and Advanced Sheet version), with this Suggestion the Players can each use the Sheet that works best for them. 2. The second example is allow a GM to make a Stats Sheet for something like Vehicle, Cart, Spaceship, Boat.&nbsp; And we don't want to Lobby roll20 to permanantly add a Spaceship Tab onto everyone's 5E character sheet.&nbsp; We just want to be able to make our own Spaceship character sheet, and re-use that character sheet for as many Spaceships as we need to stat-out for that particular campaign. Some D&amp;D campaigns need a SHEET for the Castle, or the Monarchy, or the Priesthood Ranks, or the Family Tree. 3. The third example is allow Kids to use a Kid-friendly character sheet (or even play a Kid-Friendly game like Starport from the Roll20 Marketplace), while Mom/Dad can still GM being able to read their purchased monsters in Pathfinder "The Show Must Go On" module, where you don't want the Kids to use the complicated Official PF sheet. Kids are using Starport sheet and playing it, while GM is running maps &amp; reading scene descriptions (including PF monster stats) from their purchased Roll20-installed module. This reasoning #3 is for consumer rights, to use a Module that you purchased however you want to use it, not to be limited to only read the Monsters if you are playing the original system. This line of reasoning may not be a frequent idea from Publishers (WoTC demanding that you play 5E modules using 5E only), but it should appeal to them and the Marketplace because this makes their products like Modules more replayable and accessible to a wider audience. Similar, play Starfinder modules using Burn Bryte characters. Play modules that you purchased in another system, but use FATE for your group. IRL, FATE can run almost any games' module. Why not in Roll20? Play character with Masks support, in a Brinkwood game. This would also apply anyone wanting to run a Pathfinder Adventure path, using PF 2E characters. When D&amp;D comes out with 6E, this would be the way to try 6E with your existing library of purchased 5E modules. 4. This could allow Visually Impaired (color blind, near sighted, etc) to create their own "Dark Mode" variation of a sheet that works for them (just for 1 player in the group). This reason impacts Accessibility and Accomodation for disability.&nbsp; Morgan B. said: Is there a need to have the definition of which character uses which sheet at a higher level?&nbsp; For example, when you are making a new character in the Journal would you want to be selecting, "New NPC", "New Vehicle" etc?&nbsp; Can you help me out with some other use cases you feel are important here?&nbsp;&nbsp;

Edited 1655980056
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Morgan B. said: Is there a need to have the definition of which character uses which sheet at a higher level?&nbsp; For example, when you are making a new character in the Journal would you want to be selecting, "New NPC", "New Vehicle" etc? Yes, this kind of option would be fantastic for many game systems &amp; sheets, where multiple types of sheets have been bundle into a single sheet. Bringing this option to a higher level would also simplify usage for the GM, so they can directly decide which type is created, instead of first creating the character and then having to go inside the sheet to change the view. How easy or hard it is to switch between PC/NPC/Vehicle pages varies a lot between different sheets, so this would simplify things greatly. This could be a pretty common look:
Thank you Andreas and Gold!&nbsp; That's really helpful.
Another use would be spell templates and lighting tokens - where you just want to save a default token with a particular size, aura, lighting, permissions, etc to something but don't especially need the whole 5e sheet.&nbsp; Would allow a much lighter weight sheet - but this is maybe less of a concern now with lazy loading.
Coldin said: With the changes to the VTT UI,&nbsp; any improvements or adjustments coming to the Jukebox? I enjoy having musical cues set up in my adventures, but the default interface is a bit clumsy for mixing together tracks. Searching for audio from the built in tracks, or even through my own uploads is also cumbersome when there's so many options. I agree.&nbsp; I have hundreds and hundreds of songs and sfx uploaded to Roll20, but digging through them, moving them and categorizing them is a huge pain.&nbsp; Very clunky and slow.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Loren the GM
Marketplace Creator
To add on to Gold, it would also allow compendium access when using different systems - for instance, if I wanted to play Level Up Advanced 5e, but wanted access to the 5e compendium, I could make a 5e game and still read rules and monsters, but use the A5e sheet within it for characters. It wouldn't allow full functionality like Charactermancer, but would allow functions of the game to still be used as desired in a mix-and-match way.
Forum Champion
Sean &amp; Loren &amp; Andreas, please add your Multiple Sheets In A Game comments, diagram screenshot, and Vote +1 on the Suggestion thread for it: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Loren the GM said: To add on to Gold, it would also allow compendium access when using different systems - for instance, if I wanted to play Level Up Advanced 5e, but wanted access to the 5e compendium
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Loren the GM said: To add on to Gold, it would also allow compendium access when using different systems - for instance, if I wanted to play Level Up Advanced 5e, but wanted access to the 5e compendium, I could make a 5e game and still read rules and monsters, but use the A5e sheet within it for characters. It wouldn't allow full functionality like Charactermancer, but would allow functions of the game to still be used as desired in a mix-and-match way. To tag onto this comment...I wish you could mix and match compendiums regardless of sheet. For example, I own the D&amp;D Monster Manual, but I play Savage Worlds...I bought the Monster Manual BECAUSE I want the monsters in my game and they have great artwork, etc. &nbsp;As it stands, I can't use both my Savage Worlds compendium(s) AND my D&amp;D compendiums in the same game... :-/
Any word please on when the "tell us your story" 10-year anniversary contest winners might be announced please? Thank you.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Finderski &nbsp;said: To tag onto this comment...I wish you could mix and match compendiums regardless of sheet. For example, I own the D&amp;D Monster Manual, but I play Savage Worlds...I bought the Monster Manual BECAUSE I want the monsters in my game and they have great artwork, etc. &nbsp;As it stands, I can't use both my Savage Worlds compendium(s) AND my D&amp;D compendiums in the same game... :-/ Hmm. I think that might be confusing for most players, since it would be largely non-functional. However, you could get the same effect by loading all the MM monsters into a game and using that as a library for your SW games via the Transmogrifier.
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
keithcurtis said: Finderski &nbsp;said: To tag onto this comment...I wish you could mix and match compendiums regardless of sheet. For example, I own the D&amp;D Monster Manual, but I play Savage Worlds...I bought the Monster Manual BECAUSE I want the monsters in my game and they have great artwork, etc. &nbsp;As it stands, I can't use both my Savage Worlds compendium(s) AND my D&amp;D compendiums in the same game... :-/ Hmm. I think that might be confusing for most players, since it would be largely non-functional. However, you could get the same effect by loading all the MM monsters into a game and using that as a library for your SW games via the Transmogrifier. Yes, I know that, but it also means I need to spend a bunch of time in that game pulling all the tokens outs, which is tedious, and the idea of the compendiums is to make things easier for us...besides, there may be a rule in another game book I want to incorporate into my current game. For example, I use the Savage Worlds Chase rules when playing Coriolis, or even Quick Encounters. When I play at a table, I don't have to leave my D&amp;D Books on my bookshelf when I'm playing Savage Worlds, why do I have to do that here...?

Edited 1656170964
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Gold said: The Suggestions thread link really has a lot of Users speaking to their various Use Cases. I don't speak for everyone in the thread, I recommend Roll20 technical staff just read the thread, the users in there have articulated it very well, very emphatically, over just 2 pages of posts and +189 votes so far. We've been asking about this for years. There is not a Roll20 Team reply in the thread, so far.&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thanks Gold for bringing this up&nbsp; here. It is something I feel should not be that difficult and will ahve some ncie benefits for us.&nbsp;
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Too bad I missed this Q&amp;A. I would love to hear if the new sheet infrastructure that you are working on will help implement these features: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Especially #2 is missing, and it is reaching 200 votes and still without any response from Roll20. I feel like so many game systems have rolls that is specified on the player's character sheet, but should be rolled by the DM, so that the player is unaware of failure / success. In general are all the rogue abilities, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Find Traps. All of these are immersion breaking, when the rogue knows if the roll was successful or not.
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Peter B. said: Especially #2 is missing, and it is reaching 200 votes and still without any response from Roll20. The threshold is "As Suggestions &amp; Ideas approach 200 votes, the Roll20 Team will categorize and comment on the idea them." I take this to mean 200 votes before they must comment, as "approach" is a nebulous term. The #2 thread above is (at time of this post) at 157 votes. It makes sense that there is no Roll20 response. It has not yet met the threshhold. That being said, I can see the need for a lot of folks to have a blind roll. There are lots of macros and workarounds that will accomplish this, but a built-in option could be handy.

Edited 1656350887
@Peter B you may ofc already have one and just be asking for it to be part of Roll20, but if you check recent Specific Use forum I posted a query about blind rolls for skill checks, it is very easily truncated to just give a blind d20 if you want that, or go with the full monty (my head instantly goes to "Lookin' for some Hot Stuff" and a dole queue : ))))&nbsp;&nbsp; ) if you feel it hits the spot
as a DM/ST of large games that need a lot of map pages is there any news on having a folder system in the page menu to better organize them?.&nbsp;
Eldrigon (Aidon) said: as a DM/ST of large games that need a lot of map pages is there any news on having a folder system in the page menu to better organize them?.&nbsp; Have a look at this:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>