I'm currently using charsetattr and tokenmod for a couple of macros I'm making and have just about got it done. I'm just stuck on one thing. I need to either setup variables or something like it to get my macro to not be a bunch of drop down clicks. Currently, I have it so a dm or player can give a point to someone/themselves and it updates on their sheet. I also want this to update a token to an image corresponding to the current amount of points they have. I'm using tokenmod to do this by changing the token's image but I can't get this to work without having to have the person manually select the new number(image url). I need it to take the point value they have and subtract it by the amount of points they're gaining/losing (?{player}@hero_points - ?{points}) , then the part I'm stuck on, have that number refer to an image url and tokenid and apply it. Any help would be amazing!