My group will be starting G.I. Joe soon and I would like to help with making the dice rolls more manageable. Here is how the dice works. You roll 1d20 plus another dice (sometimes group of dice). If you are specialized then when you roll the other dice you roll all versions of it and take the largest value. Example. Snake Eyes with max sneaking ability would have Infiltration skill at 1d12 and be specialized in Stealth. Here is what the player would do. Roll 1d20 and then add the largest of 1d12, 1d10, 1d8, 1d6, 1d4, 1d2. Snake eyes rolls 17 for the 1d20 3 for the 1d12 5 for the 1d10 7 for the 1d8 3 for the 1d6 4 for the 1d4 1 for the 1d2 Snake eyes final roll would be 17 + 7 (the largest of the other rolls) for a grand total of 24. Ideally I would like to create macros that I could add as buttons on the bottom of the screen but at this point I would take anything you have. If you made it this far thank you so much for your time. Be Well, Bryan