Liam said: The SRD has 129 monsters, the Monster Manual has 145 monsters (on the Roll20 compendium, at least). That number sounds exceedingly low. I'm at a better place for doing an estimate now (I was traveling before). It should be well over 400 for the monster manual. At a rough count, I come up with 448 unique statblocks for the monster manual, all with art, lore and tokens. For the SRD, I come up with 317, again, rough count. So the difference is somewhere along the lines of 130 extra monsters in the Monster Manual, again, all with art, lore and tokens. Liam said: Weirdly, the SRD has "Zombie" and the Monster Manual doesn't on Roll20. The zombie is included in the Monster Manual: The filters for source are very... quirky to be kind... on the Compendium page of monsters. Limiting to the Monster Manual includes a lot of extra stuff.