Help! I run a Shadow of the Demon Lord campaign and I used to use an API script along with some macros to do the Fast/Slow turn on the Turn Order. For some reason, the API script and/or Macros are no longer working. Anyone good at fixing broken API/Macros that knows Shadow of the Demon Lord that can help me out? Here's the API script: on('ready', () => { on('chat:message',(msg) => { let args,cmds,who,initial,change,entry; if('api' === msg.type) { if(msg.content.match(/^!att\b/) ){ who=(getObj('player',msg.playerid)||{get:()=>'API'}).get('_displayname'); if(_.has(msg,'inlinerolls')){ msg.content = _.chain(msg.inlinerolls) .reduce(function(m,v,k){ let ti=_.reduce(v.results.rolls,function(m2,v2){ if(_.has(v2,'table')){ m2.push(_.reduce(v2.results,function(m3,v3){ m3.push(; return m3; },[]).join(', ')); } return m2; },[]).join(', '); m['$[['+k+']]']= (ti.length && ti) || || 0; return m; },{}) .reduce(function(m,v,k){ return m.replace(k,v); },msg.content) .value(); } let text = msg.content.split(/\s+/).slice(1).join(' '); if(text){ let turns = _.chain(msg.selected) .map((o)=>getObj('graphic',o._id)) .reject(_.isUndefined) .map((t)=>({id:, pr: text})) .value(); if(turns.length){ let to=turns.concat(JSON.parse(Campaign().get('turnorder'))||[]); Campaign().set('turnorder',JSON.stringify(to)); } else { sendChat('ATT',`/w "${who}" <div style="padding:1px 3px;border: 1px solid #8B4513;background: #eeffee; color: #8B4513; font-size: 80%;"><div style="background-color: #ffeeee;">Nothing selected capable of having a turn.</div></div>`); } } else { sendChat('ATT',`/w "${who}" <div style="padding:1px 3px;border: 1px solid #8B4513;background: #eeffee; color: #8B4513; font-size: 80%;"><div style="background-color: #ffeeee;">Use <b><pre>!act ${'&'+'lt'+';'}text${'&'+'gt'+';'}</pre> -- add turns for selected tokens with the supplied text as the value of their turn.</b></div></div>`); } } } }); }); Macros are: Initiative: ?{Fast or Slow?|Fast,#FAST |Slow,#SLOW } Fast: !att FAST Slow: !att SLOW