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What is this API??


Edited 1658272236
So I am doing some home cleaning and deleting old campaigns and I found this API It is named "token Action Custom"... question is - what exactly is custom compared to the Library version of token Action var tokenAction = tokenAction || (function() { 'use strict'; var version = '0.2.5', sheetVersion = '5th Edition OGL by Roll20 2.0', checkInstall = function() { log('TokenAction v'+version+' is ready! Designed for use with the '+sheetVersion+' character sheet!'); }, getSelectedCharacters = function(selected) { return _.chain(selected) .map(function(s){ return getObj(s._type,s._id); }) .reject(_.isUndefined) .map(function(c){ return getObj('character', c.get('represents')); }) .filter(_.identity) .value(); }, createAbility = function(name, pattern, id) { var checkAbility = findObjs({_type: 'ability', _characterid: id, name: name}); if (checkAbility[0]) { checkAbility[0].set({action: pattern}); } else { createObj('ability', {name: name, action: pattern, characterid: id, istokenaction: true}); } }, createRepeating = function(name, pattern, id) { var repeatingAttrs = filterObjs(function(o){ return o.get('type')==='attribute' && o.get('characterid') === id && o.get('name').match(name); }); _.each(repeatingAttrs,function(attr){ var repeatingId = attr.get('name').split('_')[2], repeatingName = attr.get('current'), repeatingAction = "%{" + id + "|" + (pattern.replace(/%%RID%%/g,repeatingId)) + "}", checkAbility = findObjs({_type: 'ability', _characterid: id, name: repeatingName}); if (checkAbility[0]) { checkAbility[0].set({action: repeatingAction}); } else { createObj("ability", {name: repeatingName, action: repeatingAction, characterid: id, istokenaction: true}); } }); }, isNpc = function(id) { var checkNpc = findObjs({_type: 'attribute', _characterid: id, name: 'npc'}); if (_.isUndefined(checkNpc[0])) { return false; } else { return checkNpc[0].get('current'); } }, deleteAbilities = function(id) { var abilities = findObjs ({_type: 'ability', _characterid: id}); _.each(abilities, function(r) { r.remove(); }); }, createSpell = function(id) { var checkAbility = findObjs({_type: 'ability', _characterid: id, name: 'Spells'}), repeatingAttrs = filterObjs(function(o){ return o.get('type') === 'attribute' && o.get('characterid') === id && o.get('name').match(/repeating_spell-[^{(np)][\S+_[^_]+_spellname\b/); }), spellText = "", sk = [], sb = { 'Cantrips': [], '1st': [], '2nd': [], '3rd': [], '4th': [], '5th': [], '6th': [], '7th': [], '8th': [], '9th': [] }; if (!repeatingAttrs[0]) { return; } _.each(repeatingAttrs, function(s){ var level = s.get('name').split('_')[1].replace('spell-', ''), apiButton = "[" + s.get('current') + "](~repeating_spell-" + level + "_" + s.get('name').split('_')[2] + "_spell)"; if (level === "cantrip") { level = "Cantrips"; } else if (level === "1") { level = "1st"; } else if (level === "2") { level = "2nd"; } else if (level === "3") { level = "3rd"; } else if (level === "4") { level = "4th"; } else if (level === "5") { level = "5th"; } else if (level === "6") { level = "6th"; } else if (level === "7") { level = "7th"; } else if (level === "8") { level = "8th"; } else if (level === "9") { level = "9th"; } sb[level].push(apiButton); sb[level].sort(); }); sk = _.keys(sb); _.each(sk, function(e){ if (_.isEmpty(sb[e])){ sb = _.omit(sb, e); } }); sk = _.keys(sb); _.each(sk, function(e){ spellText += "**" + e + ":**" + "\n" + sb[e].join(' | ') + "\n\n"; }); if (checkAbility[0]) { checkAbility[0].set({action: "/w @{character_name} &{template:atk} {{desc=" + spellText + "}}"}); } else { createObj("ability", {name: 'Spells', action: "/w @{character_name} &{template:atk} {{desc=" + spellText + "}}", characterid: id, istokenaction: true}); } }, sortRepeating = function(name, pattern, id) { var repeatingAttrs = filterObjs(function(o){ return o.get('type')==='attribute' && o.get('characterid') === id && o.get('name').match(name); }), sorted = _.sortBy(repeatingAttrs, (o)=> o.get('current')); _.each(sorted,function(attr){ var repeatingId = attr.get('name').split('_')[2], repeatingName = "a-"+attr.get('current'), repeatingAction = "%{" + id + "|" + (pattern.replace(/%%RID%%/g,repeatingId)) + "}"; if (pattern.match('npcaction-l')){ repeatingName = "al-"+attr.get('current'); } var checkAbility = findObjs({_type: 'ability', _characterid: id, name: repeatingName}); if (checkAbility[0]) { checkAbility[0].set({action: repeatingAction}); } else { createObj("ability", {name: repeatingName, action: repeatingAction, characterid: id, istokenaction: true}); } }); }, handleInput = function(msg) { var char; if (msg.type === 'api' &&^!ta\b/) !== -1 && msg.selected) { char = _.uniq(getSelectedCharacters(msg.selected)); _.each(char, function(a) { if (isNpc( === "1") { createAbility('Init', "%{" + + "|npc_init}",; createAbility('Check', "@{selected|wtype}&{template:npc} @{selected|npc_name_flag} @{selected|rtype}+?{Ability|Acrobatics,[[@{selected|npc_acrobatics}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_acrobatics}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_acrobatics}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Acrobatics&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Animal Handling,[[@{selected|npc_animal_handling}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_animal_handling}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_animal_handling}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Animal Handling&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Arcana,[[@{selected|npc_arcana}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_arcana}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_arcana}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Arcana&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Athletics,[[@{selected|npc_athletics}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_athletics}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_athletics}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Athletics&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Deception,[[@{selected|npc_deception}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_deception}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_deception}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Deception&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |History,[[@{selected|npc_history}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_history}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_history}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=History&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Insight,[[@{selected|npc_insight}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_insight}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_insight}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Insight&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Intimidation,[[@{selected|npc_intimidation}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_intimidation}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_intimidation}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Intimidation&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Investigation,[[@{selected|npc_investigation}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_investigation}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_investigation}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Investigation&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Medicine,[[@{selected|npc_medicine}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_medicine}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_medicine}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Medicine&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Nature,[[@{selected|npc_nature}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_nature}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_nature}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Nature&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Perception,[[@{selected|npc_perception}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_perception}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_perception}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Perception&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Performance,[[@{selected|npc_performance}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_performance}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_performance}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Performance&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Persuasion,[[@{selected|npc_persuasion}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_persuasion}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_persuasion}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Persuasion&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Religion,[[@{selected|npc_religion}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_religion}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_religion}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Religion&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Sleight of Hand,[[@{selected|npc_sleight_of_hand}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_sleight_of_hand}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_sleight_of_hand}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Sleight of Hand&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Stealth,[[@{selected|npc_stealth}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_stealth}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_stealth}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Stealth&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Survival,[[@{selected|npc_survival}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_survival}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|npc_survival}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Survival&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Skill&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Strength,[[@{selected|strength_mod}]][STR]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Strength&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|strength_mod}]][STR]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|strength_mod}]][STR]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Ability&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Dexterity,[[@{selected|dexterity_mod}]][DEX]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Dexterity&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|dexterity_mod}]][DEX]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|dexterity_mod}]][DEX]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Ability&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Constitution,[[@{selected|constitution_mod}]][CON]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Constitution&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|constitution_mod}]][CON]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|constitution_mod}]][CON]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Ability&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Intelligence,[[@{selected|intelligence_mod}]][INT]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Intelligence&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|intelligence_mod}]][INT]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|intelligence_mod}]][INT]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Ability&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Wisdom,[[@{selected|wisdom_mod}]][WIS]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Wisdom&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|wisdom_mod}]][WIS]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|wisdom_mod}]][WIS]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Ability&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Charisma,[[@{selected|charisma_mod}]][CHA]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Charisma&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[[[@{selected|charisma_mod}]][CHA]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|charisma_mod}]][CHA]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Ability&" + "#125;&" + "#125;}",; createAbility('Save', "@{selected|wtype}&{template:npc} @{selected|npc_name_flag} @{selected|rtype}+?{Save|Strength,[[@{selected|npc_str_save}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_str_save}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_str_save}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125;{{rname=Strength Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Dexterity,[[@{selected|npc_dex_save}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_dex_save}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_dex_save}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125;{{rname=Dexterity Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Constitution,[[@{selected|npc_con_save}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_con_save}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_con_save}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125;{{rname=Constitution Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Intelligence,[[@{selected|npc_int_save}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_int_save}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_int_save}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125;{{rname=Intelligence Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Wisdom,[[@{selected|npc_wis_save}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_wis_save}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_wis_save}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125;{{rname=Wisdom Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Charisma,[[@{selected|npc_cha_save}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+[[@{selected|npc_cha_save}]]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=[[@{selected|npc_cha_save}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125;{{rname=Charisma Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{type=Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125;}",; createRepeating(/repeating_npcaction_[^_]+_name\b/, 'repeating_npcaction_%%RID%%_npc_action',; createRepeating(/repeating_npcaction-l_[^_]+_name\b/, 'repeating_npcaction-l_%%RID%%_npc_action',; createSpell(; } else { createAbility('Init', "%{" + + "|initiative}",; createAbility('Check', "@{selected|wtype}&{template:simple} @{selected|rtype}?{Ability|Acrobatics, +@{selected|acrobatics_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Acrobatics&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|acrobatics_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|acrobatics_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Animal Handling, +@{selected|animal_handling_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Animal Handling&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|animal_handling_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|animal_handling_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Arcana, +@{selected|arcana_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Arcana&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|arcana_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|arcana_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Athletics, +@{selected|athletics_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Athletics&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|athletics_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|athletics_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Deception, +@{selected|deception_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Deception&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|deception_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|deception_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |History, +@{selected|history_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=History&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|history_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|history_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Insight, +@{selected|insight_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Insight&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|insight_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|insight_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Intimidation, +@{selected|intimidation_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Intimidation&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|intimidation_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|intimidation_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Investigation, +@{selected|investigation_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Investigation&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|investigation_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|investigation_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Medicine, +@{selected|medicine_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Medicine&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|medicine_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|medicine_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Nature, +@{selected|nature_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Nature&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|nature_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|nature_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Perception, +@{selected|perception_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Perception&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|perception_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|perception_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Performance, +@{selected|performance_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Performance&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|performance_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|performance_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Persuasion, +@{selected|persuasion_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Persuasion&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|persuasion_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|persuasion_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Religion, +@{selected|religion_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Religion&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|religion_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|religion_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Sleight of Hand, +@{selected|sleight_of_hand_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Sleight of Hand&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|sleight_of_hand_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|sleight_of_hand_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Stealth, +@{selected|stealth_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Stealth&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|stealth_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|stealth_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Survival, +@{selected|survival_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Survival&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|survival_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|survival_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe} ]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Strength, +@{selected|strength_mod}@{selected|jack_attr}[STR]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Strength&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|strength_mod}@{selected|jack_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|strength_mod}@{selected|jack_attr}[STR]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Dexterity, +@{selected|dexterity_mod}@{selected|jack_attr}[DEX]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Dexterity&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|dexterity_mod}@{selected|jack_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|dexterity_mod}@{selected|jack_attr}[DEX]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Constitution, +@{selected|constitution_mod}@{selected|jack_attr}[CON]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Constitution&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|constitution_mod}@{selected|jack_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|constitution_mod}@{selected|jack_attr}[CON]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Intelligence, +@{selected|intelligence_mod}@{selected|jack_attr}[INT]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Intelligence&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|intelligence_mod}@{selected|jack_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|intelligence_mod}@{selected|jack_attr}[INT]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Wisdom, +@{selected|wisdom_mod}@{selected|jack_attr}[WIS]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Wisdom&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|wisdom_mod}@{selected|jack_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|wisdom_mod}@{selected|jack_attr}[WIS]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Charisma, +@{selected|charisma_mod}@{selected|jack_attr}[CHA]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Charisma&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{mod=@{selected|charisma_mod}@{selected|jack_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[ @{selected|d20} + @{selected|charisma_mod}@{selected|jack_attr}[CHA]]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; } @{selected|global_skill_mod} @{selected|charname_output}",; createAbility('Save', "@{selected|wtype}&{template:simple} @{selected|rtype}?{Save|Strength, +@{selected|strength_save_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Strength Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125 {{mod=@{selected|strength_save_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+@{selected|strength_save_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Dexterity, +@{selected|dexterity_save_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Dexterity Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125 {{mod=@{selected|dexterity_save_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+@{selected|dexterity_save_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Constitution, +@{selected|constitution_save_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Constitution Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125 {{mod=@{selected|constitution_save_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+@{selected|constitution_save_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Intelligence, +@{selected|intelligence_save_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Intelligence Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125 {{mod=@{selected|intelligence_save_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+@{selected|intelligence_save_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Wisdom, +@{selected|wisdom_save_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Wisdom Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125 {{mod=@{selected|wisdom_save_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+@{selected|wisdom_save_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; |Charisma, +@{selected|charisma_save_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{rname=Charisma Save&" + "#125;&" + "#125 {{mod=@{selected|charisma_save_bonus}&" + "#125;&" + "#125; {{r1=[[@{selected|d20}+@{selected|charisma_save_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}]]&" + "#125;&" + "#125;}@{selected|global_save_mod}@{selected|charname_output}",; createRepeating(/repeating_attack_[^_]+_atkname\b/, 'repeating_attack_%%RID%%_attack',; createSpell(; } sendChat("TokenAction", "/w " + msg.who + " Created Token Actions for " + a.get('name') + "."); }); } else if (msg.type === 'api' &&^!deleteta\b/) !== -1 && msg.selected) { char = _.uniq(getSelectedCharacters(msg.selected)); _.each(char, function(d) { deleteAbilities(; sendChat("TokenAction", "/w " + msg.who + " Deleted Token Actions for " + d.get('name') + "."); }); } else if (msg.type === 'api' &&^!sortta\b/) !== -1 && msg.selected) { char = _.uniq(getSelectedCharacters(msg.selected)); _.each(char, function(a) { if (isNpc( === "1") { createAbility('Init', "%{" + + "|npc_init}",; sortRepeating(/repeating_npcaction_[^_]+_name\b/, 'repeating_npcaction_%%RID%%_npc_action',; sortRepeating(/repeating_npcaction-l_[^_]+_name\b/, 'repeating_npcaction-l_%%RID%%_npc_action',; createSpell(; } sendChat("TokenAction", "/w " + msg.who + " Created Token Actions for " + a.get('name') + "."); }); } return; }, registerEventHandlers = function() { on('chat:message', handleInput); }; return { CheckInstall: checkInstall, RegisterEventHandlers: registerEventHandlers }; }()); on('ready',function() { 'use strict'; tokenAction.CheckInstall(); tokenAction.RegisterEventHandlers(); });

Edited 1658264022
I also Have this code called "Weapon Durability" but dont remember how this worked on("change:attribute", function(obj, prev) { if(obj.get("name") !== "wp") return; var damageTaken = 0; var currentwp =0; var oldwp = 0; var max = 500; var charName = getObj("character", obj.get("_characterid")); currentwp = obj.get("current"); oldwp = prev["current"]; max = obj.get("max"); if (currentwp > max) { currentwp = currentwp; obj.set("current", currentwp); } damageTaken = currentwp - oldwp; if (damageTaken < 0 ) { sendChat(charName.get("name"), "/w gm weapon has mended " + -1 * damageTaken + " damage"); } if (damageTaken > 0 ) { sendChat(charName.get("name"), "/w gm weapon has taken " + damageTaken + " points of durability damage. " + obj.get("current") + "/" + obj.get("max")); } }); on("change:graphic:bar3_value", function(obj, prev) { //Ignores players, handled above if(obj.get("represents") != "") return; if (Campaign().get("initiativepage") == false) return; var damageTaken = 0; var currentwp =0; var oldwp = 0; var max = 0; var charName = obj.get("name"); currentwp = obj.get("bar3_value"); oldwp = prev["bar3_value"]; max = obj.get("bar3_max"); if (currentwp > max) { currentwp = currentwp; obj.set("bar3_value", currentwp); } damageTaken = currentwp - oldwp; if (damageTaken < 0 ) { sendChat(charName, "/me has taken " + -1 * damageTaken + " damage"); } if (damageTaken > 0 ) { sendChat(charName, "/me has healed " + damageTaken + " damage"); } });
I believe the first script is for creating token action macros on PC and NPC sheets. Command: !ta Not sure about the second script.

Edited 1658272204
Will, I am aware of that - I am asking, because I named it CUSTOM - something is different to the regular token action marker. this was a manual script and not from the roll20 dropdown library
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
This looks like a job for “diff” or whatever file comparator you prefer. The engineers at my last job preferred Beyond Compare for Windows. 

Edited 1658282113
Sheet Author
I like Andrew's idea.&nbsp; I use winmerge to check changes between versions of code.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> It can show you the difference between two files.&nbsp; Get a copy of the original token action code(<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>) and compare it with your custom version v0.2.5.&nbsp; Might give you a clue as to how the custom version differs. Looks like ta is up to v0.3.6. Might be too many changes to compare. ;-(

Edited 1658282788
ohh, I thought he was being rude / toxic like, well that team is "mid" or that team is "diff" or was speaking gibberish nonsense and replied to the wrong post. lol

Edited 1658286522
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
Nope. The UNIX tool is called “diff”, while Beyond Compare is a Windows app that does the same thing with a Windows GUI. It’s a really useful tool for this sort of thing.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Beyond Compare
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
I don't think comparing to the current version would do much good. Way too much has been added in order to accommodate PF2. It is identical to this version , which someone posted to account for some change to compendium drops, which I apparently accounted for in subsequent versions of the script. I would think that if the current version works for you, you could drop the custom one.