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[LFG][5e/Scum&Villiany]experiecned and easy going,perfer weekly, perfer longer term campaings


Edited 1658508580
Experienced role player seeks regular group for weekly games. 5e most wanted, open to scum and villainy, would check out Starfinder but i've never played it. Schedule availability, starting on 7/25,  times in Pacific /UTC-7/-8: mon-wed between 3pm-8pm friday between 3pm-late sunday between 11am-8pm Normally use voice only, willing to video within the group, but not open for streaming to an audience. Oh and no haters, not interested in that social group. If you're not of the mind that all people are in fact people, then don't pull out a chair for me, thanks anyway. My RP preferences tend to place focus in the character of The Character, over their lvl up powers and role in combat. I'll often have a sense of who the character is, for knowing where they may be headed, but i will not have already planed out my lvl up powers in advance. That will be informed by the story as things progress. I tend to play support characters that shine outside of combat rather than in. Though i am flexible and can fill in just about any shoes a party needs. I am a strong believer in session zero being focused on the players and GM working out what sort of adventuring party the players want to create. Like every game where the players make characters on their own, to find out if the group of random strangers get along or not, is kind of the same game every time and gets a bit repetitive for me. I prefer working out with the other players what the nature of our 'company' is first, so we can craft characters that will make some sense to be working in a group of that nature. Not that you can't do the rando party setup, but that is just what tends to happen naturally on its own if the players and GM don't put any effort into trying to craft a party as The Main Character first, before they figure out who all winds up in such a party as that. I know an RP table is best when everyone at it is of a somewhat similar mind about what RP fun is. A group of like minded players easily plays well together. But RPGs are so open ended a game that not all legitimate ways to play them can be combined, many ways to play are just mutually exclusive. On that tip, i prefer to play a game that puts character/world verisimilitude front and center. But I'm easy going enough I can also enjoy being part of a group that's just enjoying the fantastical nature of the make believe. i'm easy and flexible, there's a lot that i can have fun with even though i do have my preferences. Because what i enjoy most is being part of a cohesive group, that don't have too much(the wrong kind of) in fighting. Some internal conflicts can be inserting drama story to tell. But the wrong kinds of internal conflicts basically make us beg the quesiton, why the hell do these people spend any time together, and how the hell do they trust each other with their lives in a fight? The party verisimilitude drops out the bottom if the kinds of internal conflicts the group has are over the sorts of stuff that make us ask why they spend time together in the first place? If the only way we can explain to an external audience why the party stays together, is to reference the players at the table IRL playing a game, then we are failing to tell a story with verisimilitude, and i'll loose interest. As a simplified example: good internal conflicts tend to be over how to accomplish the group's goals. bad conflicts would be over what those group's goals even are. And it is story for me that matters, I'm most interested in the story of the adventuring party, our group's place in the world, and my charterer's place in the group. And in that specific stack order of importance. Tons of DnD xp, prefer 5e these days, a fair amount of Forged in the Dark, prefer Scum and Villainy. Would learn Starfinder. Oh and plenty GM xp, but looking for time in the player chair rght now. Not a rules lawyer, but will ask for the mechanical juice if i think i get it, while not debating a GM call on anything once its been made.
Hey I think I got something that you might be interested in, Its 5e and Im somewhat new so before I jump into my Campaign I want to try out a oneshot with players im not familiar with. But i have plans for running a curse of strahd campaign pretty soon.  Here is my invite let me know if you're interested
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