Over the past year or so I've noticed a trend in many of the games I have jumped on here be it one shot or actual campains. Each one of them has a GRAND ADVENTURE planned for the HERO'S who would await glory! All of the things an adventure could want, are promised as they set off on their adventure, but at level 1, what is the difference between you, the fighter of the group, and a local misc town guard at level 1? The answer? One has a N in the PC and the other dosent. Likewise im getting really sick of being level ~20 and fighting A BEAR in the woods who will leasurly stroll up and crit me for 300 hp. Please guys, I realize DMing at higher levels isnt easy, but will you please stop making the BBEG so god dam cheesy. If we are level 1 and you introduce your dragon/lich/god/shadow/evil/bunny/socerer king we should not survive, and making a random excuse as to why it "makes sence" that he spared our lives only for us to level up like 2 times before we fight him through some storyline empowered bullshitery only for him to escape and us meet him 10 levels later on "suspsensfuly even" grounds. Please.... Staahp...More often than not It gets tiring players stop being supprised when boss's dont die It cheapens the realism encourages midmaxing and most of all-apparently, its easy as shit. So please... stop spreading this vile plague. Also, apparently we spend the first 16-30 years of our lives (for a human at least) workking hard and dilligantly to gain level 1. But a 1 year road trip that leads us alot of beating things with a metal object apparently makes us on par with any enemy the world has to offer.