I am looking for 1 more player to join our 4-player group to run through an approximate 10-session game using the Avatar Legends The RPG system. We'll be sticking to the quickstart handbook and will be playing in the Kyoshi Era. Date/Time/Timezone: Wednesdays 6pm GMT+1 (BST). Weekly sessions. Synopsis: Growing up in Maizu Village within the Earth Kingdom, you are a group of 4 youths who have grown up as friends or neighbours. During a game of "Ball", Earthbending Ball without the bending, one of your fellows demonstrates a type of bending peculiar to the region. As friends you comfort your neighbour, but as time passes they find that their bending is mostly reflexive, and their reflexes are wild. They bend randomly and without a proper master which the village lacks they will cause havoc. It is decided that the youth must leave the village to find a teacher, where the party decide to travel alongside them. Information: Set within 60BG (Before Genocide of Air Benders) in the Kyoshi Era. There is an abundance of Earth Benders, so it is typical for you to play one. The "errant" will be decided in character generation, with either Air, Fire, or Water bending decided by them, as long as it is different than the other PCs. As with the system, this is heavily roleplay centred, combat will still occur but not as frequent as a Pathfinder game. This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of £11 per player per session via PayPal. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements. Listing: &nbsp; <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/332971/wednesdays-to-help-an-errant-avatar-legends" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/332971/wednesdays-to-help-an-errant-avatar-legends</a> There is further information in the listing as well as a thread for applications.