To be specific - Is it possible that "Class Resource" section can change a character's sheet "AC"? or "Features & Traits" can chance a character's sheet "AC"? Then the same, either "Class Resoruce" or "Features & Traits" to change a weapon property in the "Attack & Spellcasting" Just how we have ammo tracking, where we can link an item in "attack & spellcasting" to "class resource" I am looking to do it backwards, reducing AC or Weapon Damage, Example: In Class Resource - Long Sword = 100 (percent) - at 50 (percent), it would reduce the sword dmg by -1. If not, if there is a code to do that in the features & trait box trying to create a weapon and armor durability system, I have that info fleshed out - looking to simplify it for my players with 1 click instead of multiple clicking the sheet to update.