Please read the entire post before replying, there's lots of useful information in here, and some of your questions might be answered. I'm looking for a replacement for someone in my D&D4e campaign who has gone inactive. We play every Saturday from 10AM - 4 PM Pacific time. Please use this website to determine if this time works for you. As for your character, I need you to play a Striker. There are no other restrictions, other than the the ones listed here . I maintain a Wiki for the campaign. There is a summary of each session on the wiki, as well as information about the world and the party. In addition, I have several houserules which are also documented, in detail, on the wiki. You may check out the wiki here . In addition to the summaries, the campaign is streamed on Twitch and then uploaded to YouTube. Check out the channel here . If you would like to find out what the campaign is about, you can check out the summaries on the wiki. However, here's some brief information. The campaign started at level 1, and will go all the way to level 30. The party is currently level 7 The campaign has a healthy mix of combat, exploration, puzzles, roleplay, and a strong narrative. I believe strongly that every decision the players make should have an impact on the world, and those decisions should have as few restrictions as possible. I enjoy challenging my players with difficult combat encounters, with interesting mechanics. As stated previously, this is going to be a long running campaign. You need to be able to commit to this campaign long term. I create maps using dynamic lighting and dungeon tiles. I used a modified version of the D&D4E Character Sheet. I look for a couple things in my players, and they are the following: You need to be able to show up, on time, every time we play. I obviously understand that life gets in the way sometimes. If that happens, I like to have as much advance warning as I possible. You need to have experience with fourth edition. This is not a game to learn the rules, and I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in teaching you the rules. You don't need to know every single rule in the game, and I'm fine clarifying rules, but I'm not going to clarify how to roll attacks, how defenses work, or anything like that. You need to speak fluent English. An accent is alright, as long as you can be clearly understood. You need a decent microphone, as well as TeamSpeak 3, which we use for voice communication. You need a Skype account, so we can be in contact outside of session. You either need D&D Insider, or be willing to use an offline character builder that I will provide you. If you're interested, or have any other questions, add me on Skype. My username is jwbthemusicfreak . Please do not post here.