Profuse apologies if this breaks the forum rules. If it does I'll look elsewhere! My group and I have been running a custom campaign that was once upon a time the Fallout PnP system which has a character sheet, but it's evolved into a full on homebrew system. However, that evolution means I am well beyond my ability to slap together a Frankenstein's Character Sheet with my exceedingly limited HTML skills. And considering all the players as well as my husband who is the DM are full time and half of our players are parents, the appeal of learning HTML/CSS specifically to build a new sheet from the group up is just not something we have time for. To that end, I was wondering if someone had resources that we could be pointed towards where we might be able to hire a more capable person? I'm not expecting this to be cheap, and want to compensate anyone that helps us fairly. I am currently working on a physical version of the sheet to be able to best explain what we're looking for, and since we've been playing this on Roll20 for about six years, we know pretty well what we'd like the sheet to be able to do that a non-digital sheet wouldn't. Thank you for consideration!