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Dynamic lighting for all races

I've found threads (now closed) discussing how to represent different races' vision in dim/dark light but haven't had much success. The process is: [1] Add light property to example human carrying a torch (40'/20')- All players see light [2] Add token representing Low light vision (80'/20')- set control to example elf character only [3] Group human token and low light token [4] Now the previous thread said to double click the group to move the human character/low light token as a group. Elf only sees extended range. However, because the human doesn't control the low light token, after moving the group the low light token simply reverts back to it's original position. Giving the human control over the low light token would give the human low light vision as well. What to do?
Forum Champion
Please send me a join link and I will come take a look at your setup.

Edited 1408182249
Forum Champion
Ok, it appears that when a player only controls one (or some) object in a group of objects the objects he does not control move back to the original position. This is a change from how things used to work. I will bring this up with the Devs to see if this is intentional behavior.
Ok. S currently the only way this can be faked/worked around seems to be to have the token assigned to dim-light characters and they or I will have to move them around to match the torch-bearer. Hope they can code dim light behaviour in at some point. Thanks for investigating this
Forum Champion
The API (a Mentor level feature) could automate the token following.
Is that a work around suggestion or the response from the Devs?
Forum Champion
The Devs haven't responded yet.

Edited 1408412866
Forum Champion
Ok, there has indeed been an intentional change to how grouped tokens move. This had the unintended side-effect of removing this workaround for Low-light vision. The Devs are considering solutions for the low-light vision problem. In the meantime, you could manually move a second token or use the API.
Note that the change wasn't specifically targeted at grouped tokens. We now check to make sure server-side that you have permission to move a token when you move it. So basically the previous workaround was using a "bug" that allowed you to move tokens you shouldn't be able to move (because you have no permission to move them). That bug was closed by the new server-side check, which has the advantage of preventing a malicious user from moving tokens they shouldn't be able to move, but has the downside of making this workaround no longer work. I'll try and think of another way to represent the low-light stuff, but the previous workaround can't be restored at this point, sorry.
The issue is with static sources such as torches lining dungeon walls. Unless you specifically know the races and names involved before setting up the dynamic lighting you'd have to manually enter the name of all controlling dim-light races on every torch, or move around additional sources as needed. I guess what's needed is something like a third lighting parameter that only tokens with the a "dim light" option can see. "Dim light" option also multiplies the second parameter. Thanks for looking into this Gauss.

Edited 1408414272
Forum Champion
Paul , the problem you describe with static sources such as wall torches could also be handled via API (modifying each token quickly). Alternately, you could quickly paste many light sources for the low-light folks once you know who they are.
The simplest way would be to add a checkbox for token properties that would enable a vision modifier set by the GM. The vision modifier would have the effect of multiplying the value of all light sources by that value. So if low light vision basically doubles distance you can see, the GM would put a two in the vision modifier field. Maybe two checkboxes and a modifier field that defaults to a value of one. So it would be Vision Mod: 1 | Dim Light Radius: x | Light Radius: x and the modifier would only apply to ones checked.
Wouldn't it require a third field as well? If normal dim light becomes daylight, there would need to be an extended field of dim light for elves, half elves, etc that only they could see.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Could you add a character for the lights that you use to drag those low-light torches in, then assign control of the low-light torch character to all the lowlight players? I think the dynamic lowlight script does something similar automatically...
Sure Aaron, that's the workaround. Personally I'm hoping for it to be coded in at some point since so many popular races have low light vision (and one super popular one *doesn't*). Bear in mind it's not just the torchbearer who has to be accounted for with but all other light sources of varying ranges of effect, candles, spells, ambience, etc). Especially since dim light has associated combat penalties/concealment. Plus it adds an extra element to a dungeon crawl for sure. Half-Elf "What the hell is THAT?!" Human "What?!" Half-Elf "THAT!" Human "WHAAAAAT? Argh!"