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D&D3.5 homebrew weapon macro help

Hello i am back again with another question. i have a weapon that can switch attachments and deal different types of damage. The weapon has a kunai, a weight, and a hook. Because the hook doesn't do damage it will not be included in the macro as the macro is to use the weapon portions. so far i have the following.  &{template:DnD35StdRoll} {{pcflag=true}} {{name=Cyra}} {{subtags=attacks with the tetsugen}} {{attack=?{which attachment|kunai,Kunai [[1d20+@{bab}+@{dex-mod}+@{weapon2enh}+?{other bonuses|0} |weight,Weight [[1d20+@{bab}+@{dex-mod}+@{weapon2enh}+?{other bonuses|0}]]}} every time i try to test the macro the attack query seems to be finishing with the end of the first other bonuses query, and the problem repeats to the next query and breaks the macro. i am not sure how to use html entities and i think that is my only chance of making it work. can someone tell me where i am going wrong?

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Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You can bypass the need for html by only having the variables be part of the query although both query results already look to be identical. The issue you are likely seeing is because you don't end the inline roll in the Kunai portion: &{template:DnD35StdRoll} {{pcflag=true}} {{name=Cyra}} {{subtags=attacks with the tetsugen}} {{attack=?{which attachment|kunai,Kunai [[1d20+@{bab}+@{dex-mod}+@{weapon2enh}+?{other bonuses|0} ]] |weight,Weight [[1d20+@{bab}+@{dex-mod}+@{weapon2enh}+?{other bonuses|0}]]}} The above also shows how you'd do the html for that variation, below is how you'd want to do it to avoid html (I've assumed that the weapon variations are set up as weapon2 and weapon3 for the sake of the example: &{template:DnD35StdRoll} {{pcflag=true}} {{name=Cyra}} {{subtags=attacks with the tetsugen}} {{ ?{which attachment|kunai,Kunai=[[ @{weapon2enh}| weight,Weight=[[@weapon3enh}}[enh] +  1d20 + @{bab} [bab] + @{dex-mod} [dex] + ?{other bonuses|0} [bonus] ]]}}
well the Critical threat range is also different but that could easily be solved with another query. i am just trying to be as efficient as possible.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You can do it all in one query most likely, would be great to see the full macro and an overview of the differences between the attachments
the full ability would look something this (i realized that where it is on the sheet is an ability) &{template:DnD35StdRoll} {{pcflag=true}} {{name=Cyra}} {{subtags=attacks with the tetsugen}} {{attack=?{which attachment|kunai,Kunai [[1d20cs>19+@{bab}+@{dex-mod}+@{weapon2enh}+?{other bonuses|0}]]|weight,Weight [[1d20+@{bab}+@{dex-mod}+@{weapon3enh}+?{other bonuses|0}]]}}} {{damage=[[?{Which damage?|Kunai,Kunai [[1d4+@{str-mod}+@{weapon2enh}]] piercing or slashing|Weight,Weight [[1d4+@{str-mod}+@{weapon2enh}]] Bludgeoning}} {{sudden strike=[[2d6]]}} {{psionic weapon=[[2d6]]}}  i have a question about calling abilities. how would i roll one ability within another ability on the 3.5 sheet? that would make this so much easier. i would have two abilities one for the Kunai, and one for the Weight. then inside of a third ability i would have a query with the two options (kunai and weight).
i found a way to make it work but i am not sure how to explain it. would you like to see it the three abilities i have that work?