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LF GM for D&D 3.5 hoping first session 8/23 time is to be determined by the gm

hi my name is arron. me and my friend joel are looking for an experienced gm to help us out with our first dnd campaign. i am wanting to start GMing but i need some experience with the rule set first. i have read through the players handbook of multiple rulesets with dnd 3.5 being one of my favorites so we are not completely noob but we are relatively new to dnd. we are hoping to have it on Saturday nights and are very flexible with the time.
shameless bump
another thing is that a mic is required and a cam is optional
man gms are hard to find these days
Funny- forming a group of players that works well together is the same damn way,, only more disheartening as they fall apart one after another. But anyways, send me a PM if you're still interested. I love teaching new players, and have mentored new DMs in the past as well.