This game is currently on hold and is setting up for a different scheduled day to be determined. On the frontier to Rimward, one parsec out from the Taranga Nebula, the Feloid aggressors that call themselves Taxxu are searching for an ancient secret. In orbit in the ice ring around the Swampy Agro-world of Jemorra, a Time-Lost starship from the past holds the key to the Future. "Intro to Traveller ® (Mongoose) 2e: Space Opera Intrigues in ' The Aurin Cluster™' " Traveller ® is the Original RPG of Science Fiction Adventure in the Far Future. Hover Cars, Laser Carbines, Titanic Space Battles over a multitude of exciting alien worlds against intriguing alien races. Alien beasts that defy description. A Galaxy of Challenge awaits. Welcome to Traveller ® . Genre: Space Opera in the 55th century , "The Aurin Cluster" Current Player Count: 4/ (6 Max) Players. Gaming Platforms Used: Roll20 and Discord. Language Used for Play: English. Game/System: Traveller 2nd Ed (Mongoose). Visuals: Game starts 11 Sep, 2022, 7 pm PST. Pre-generated characters will be available, but I encourage players to generate and personalize their own characters. I will work with the group to make characters & teach the system. Prep Notes: Players will need a mic, Discord, and a quiet environment. Cameras are optional, but not required. All online character sheets and virtual dice used are on roll20. What I provide : I have a huge cast of non-player characters, atmospheric sound, lore, and digital maps, along with 46 years as a Traveller® Referee. The LFG Listing: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> [ VVV Sign Up for the Campaign Here VVV ] <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> This game will require payment to the Referee at a rate of USD $10 via Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements. CREDITS & ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: "The Traveller® game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright 1977 - 2022 Far Future Enterprises. Trademark used here with permission."
"The Aurin Cluster™" is a Trademark of Digital Moon Books. Copyright 2016-2022.