Hello All, Many thanks ina advance for any help/advice provdided. The situation for my game and the custom sheets used, is that I wish to display the following informtion to the player concisely. In my game, the creatures have Vulnerabilities (Double Advantage), Weaknesses (Advantage), Standard (Normal Roll), Resistance (Disadvantage) and Protection (Double Disadvantage) when attacks fo certain types hit them. At the moment, this is displayed by a single image, uploaded to the Journal page, that is in the basic info section outside of the character sheet . The Double Red ring means the creature is vulnerable to that type, single red means they are Weak, no ring is Standard, single green ring means they Resist, and double green ring means they Protect, from that type. Is there any way this can be represented directly in a tab of the character sheet? For example is there an option where I can put all 18 types as images in the sheet, then some sort of button with 5 states next to each type that as you click through, changes the rings? This means I can upload the same blank type-chart to all sheets, then depending on what I need toggle the required rings for each type. As mentioned earlier, the current set up is to create a load of separate pre-made canvases that get uploaded to the specific sheets that need them. This is a massive headache and a lot of work. Not to mention bad gameplay due to havign to exit the sheet to see the journal info where the image is stored. (And I cant put the image in the charater sheet as that means every creature would use the same image, but I need them to be slightly different for each sheet as each creature has different type matchups and therefore different ring configurations). I hope what I have put makes sense lol. TL;DR is there a sheet function that lets you cycle images (Similar to how you have multiple sides to a Token, in-play) but within the character sheet itself? Many thanks!