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Token bar Max - unable to enter a number now


Edited 1664215643
I've had no problem attaching "Life Points" Attribute to a bar - and entering it's max. But somehow - as of yesterday, I cannot do so any more. Other characters created before yesterday still maintain the Max number, but I cannot enter a max for new characters.  And of course, the bar does not appear because there is no max. What's up?
Forum Champion
Currently the only way to do that is to go to the sheet's "Attributes & Abilities" tab, find the entry for "Life sheet-Points" and input a maximum manually there.  This was a design change in the last token update, we are hopeful the Devs will revert this aspect of the design change to allow folks to edit token fields again as this breaks a lot of basic token functionality. 
This is due to a recent change to the token sheet .   What game and character sheet are you using?  It might be possible to change the 'Max' value on the main Character tab. Otherwise, until a change is implemented that allows for linked attributes to be changed on the token sheet, I think you'll have to open the Attributes and Abilities tab and add the 'Max' value on the related attribute manually.  Or since you have a Pro subscription, you could use ChatSetAttr to change the 'Max' value of the attribute. I think this macro will work (it's air-coded and untested): !setattr --sel --Life sheet-Points||?{What Max value?|@{selected| Life sheet-Points} }
Ah, I see the change. So, how does one display the current and max points on a home-brew character sheet?
Forum Champion
John S. said: Ah, I see the change. So, how does one display the current and max points on a home-brew character sheet? You can use the appropriate attributes in the Attributes & Abilities tab for that. 
          In the character sheet I use:                Life: <input type="text" name="attr_Life Points" style="width: 30px;"/>             C: <input type="text" name="attr_Life Current" style="width: 30px;"/> (Life Points current and Life Points max)  Two separate attributes. Not ideal. How would I show both max and current using the same attribute? Thanks so much, guys!

Edited 1664233365
Sheet Author
API Scripter
By just appending the text _max to the attribute name. Life: <input type="text" name="attr_Life" style="width: 30px;"/> C: <input type="text" name="attr_Life_max" style="width: 30px;"/> I'd also advise avoiding spaces in attribute names, inline styles, and avoid using   You can do something like <span class="stat">Life</span><input type="text" name="attr_Life" class="life"/> <span class="stat">C</span><input type="text" name="attr_Life_max" class="life"/> Then in the css tab something like { width: 30px; } And you can set span.stat with the style you want. Note if you have the legacy style box checked, you'd need to change the CSS to append sheet- to the style name, in the CSS page only, like so: input.sheet-life { width: 30px; } But no one making a sheet should be using legacy now. The main advantage of this approach is you can use more generic names (something other than life) and can apply the same style to many many elements at once, without having to edit multiple locations.
Sounds great! Thanks so much. Not a big html guy - unsure about going away from legacy. Need a class somewhere!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If you havent done anything with CSS yet, changing from legacy will have no effect on your sheet. It lets you use a couple of extra html things you couldnt use before, and changes the way your right CSS (you dont need the -sheet part as above). That's it - you'll be fine. If you have a lot of CSS in your sheet, it might change a few things and take a bit of work to update, but if you have been using inline styles, it'll make no difference at all.
Also not able to show the text overlay for the Bar1 to show the HP#'s if that is what is in the bar. Same for all the bars - text overlay is set to hidden and its grayed out and not able to be changed.
I do have CSS in the sheet. Know of anyone who would edit my code for a fee? Or is there a "changes" tutorial out there? Thanks.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
It now appears that the ability to edit linked attributes within the Token Editing interface has been restored, for both GMs and players. You may need to refresh your browser window to see the change.