Thanks Oosh, I didn't know it could also set token parameters, Disgracefully I must be missing something because using the following JSON in the sandbox (and reloading the default settings), I still don't have any bars on the tokens I drop from the compendium {
"html": "Earthdawn.html",
"css": "Earthdawn.css",
"compendium": "earthdawn",
"authors": "Chris Dickey, Jean-Baptiste Faure",
"roll20userid": "633707, 5254828",
"preview": "Earthdawn.PNG",
"legacy": false,
"instructions": "The \"Roll20 Earthdawn by FASA\" character sheet is optimized for 4th edition, but currently has limited support for other editions. It works OK all by itself, but works best with the \"Earthdawn by FASA character sheet companion\" API script (The one script enhances both the Earthdawn and 1879 character sheets).\r\rFor more information please see [Earthdawn Sheet wiki page](<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>).",
"useroptions": [
"attribute": "cd_bar1_l",
"displayname": "BAR 1 LINK:",
"displaytranslationkey": "cd-bar1-link:-u",
"type": "text",
"description": "On Default Tokens created by doing a Compendium drop onto the virtual table top, link the Bar 1's value to this attribute. If set this will override all other bar settings.",
"descriptiontranslationkey": "cd-bar1-link-desc:-u",
"default": "Karma"
"attribute": "cd_bar2_l",
"displayname": "BAR 2 LINK:",
"displaytranslationkey": "cd-bar2-link:-u",
"type": "text",
"description": "On Default Tokens created by doing a Compendium drop onto the virtual table top, link the Bar 2's value to this attribute. If set this will override all other bar settings.",
"descriptiontranslationkey": "cd-bar2-link-desc:-u",
"default": "Wounds"
"attribute": "cd_bar3_l",
"displayname": "BAR 3 LINK:",
"displaytranslationkey": "cd-bar3-link:-u",
"type": "text",
"description": "On Default Tokens created by doing a Compendium drop onto the virtual table top, link the Bar 3's value to this attribute. If set this will override all other bar settings.",
"descriptiontranslationkey": "cd-bar3-link-desc:-u",
"default": "Damage"
"attribute": "API",
"displayname": "Is API Installed ?",
"description ": "Declares to the character sheet if the API is installed or not.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"No API|0",
"default": "0"
"attribute": "edition",
"displayname": "What Game/Edition is your campaign",
"description ": "Declares to the character sheet the edition to be used (Edition 4 is the most widely supported).",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"Earthdawn 4th Ed|4",
"Earthdawn 3rd Ed|3",
"Earthdawn 1st Ed|1",
"default": "4"
"attribute": "show_karma_auto",
"displayname": "Header - Show Karma Auto Mode",
"description ": "Enables the selection of the Karma Auto Mode, where each individual action can be set to automatically spend Karma or not. Refer to the wiki",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "0"
"attribute": "show_damage_stun",
"displayname": "Header - Show Stun Damage",
"description ": "Show or Hide the Stun Damage and other Damage Details",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "0"
"attribute": "show_wound_treshold",
"displayname": "Header - Show Wound Treshold",
"description ": "Show a Wound Treshold Box in the header together with a Modifier",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "0"
"attribute": "show_options_status",
"displayname": "Header - Combat Options and Situation Modifiers",
"description ": "Toggles the display of the options and statuses in the header, either just the basic ones, or all of them",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "0"
"attribute": "show_actnefct_toggle",
"displayname": "Left Pane - Action/Effect Toggle",
"description ": "Show or Hide the Action/Effect Toggles for the Attributes. These allows to select between rolling an Action or an Effect tets, that have different modifiers applying to them.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "0"
"attribute": "show_natural_toggle",
"displayname": "Left Pane - Defenses Natural Values Toggle",
"description ": "Show or Hide the Natural Defenses Toggle. Natural Defenses are the value of PD, MD, SD, PA, and MA, independantly from any equipment, but taking into account Discipline bonuses",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "0"
"attribute": "show_overview_miscpool",
"displayname": "Overview - Miscellaneous Pools and Movement",
"description ": "Show or Hide the Miscellaneous Pools and Movement in the Overview",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "0"
"attribute": "show_combat_miscpool",
"displayname": "Combat - Miscellaneous Pools and Movement",
"description ": "Show or Hide the Miscellaneous Pools and Movement in the Combat",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "0"
"attribute": "show_repeating_mod_exc",
"displayname": "Repeating Sections (Talents, Skills ...) - Exceptions",
"description ": "In the Talents, Skills and Knacks, shows the advanced parameters for modifier exceptions. These parameters allow fine tuning of the modifiers that applies to a certain test (for example, active defenses are not affected by Defensive Stance -3 on all Action Tests). Note that the sheet has a database of the main Talents and their modifier exceptions, so you need this option only if you want to override the system.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "0"
"attribute": "show_repeating_success",
"displayname": "API Only - Repeating Sections (Talents, Skills ...) - After roll parameters",
"description ": "Show all the parameters that affect the behaviour of the system after rolling. This includes special Effects, Displaying a Text, and Visibility.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "0"
"attribute": "show_repeating_links",
"displayname": "API Only - Repeating Sections (Talents, Skills ...) - Links",
"description ": "Show all the parameters related to links. Refer to Wiki",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "0"
"attribute": "show_repeating_special",
"displayname": "API Only - Repeating Sections (Talents, Skills ...) - Special",
"description ": "Shows the Special field, that allows to declare to the system some specific Talents, such as Spellcasting, Initiative, Knockdown or Recovery Replacement. Refer to Wiki",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "0"
"attribute": "uatta",
"displayname": "Use All Talents to Advance (PG p453)",
"description ": "Specifies if the optional Use All Talents To Advance Option is to be used to recommend Circle Advancement in the Talent Summary.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"Core - Disabled|0",
"Option - Enabled|1"
"default": "0"
"attribute": "show_container",
"displayname": "Equipment - Container Management",
"description ": "Enables the Management of the Inventory per container. Refer to Wiki",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "0"
"attribute": "show_blood",
"displayname": "Equipment - Blood Magic",
"description ": "Enables the Management of Blood Charms.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "0"
"attribute": "show_mounts",
"displayname": "Equipment - Mounts",
"description ": "Enables the Management of Mounts.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "0"
"attribute": "show_lifestyle",
"displayname": "Equipment - Lifestyle",
"description ": "Enables the Management of Lifestyle.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "0"
"attribute": "legend-calc-mode",
"displayname": "Legend - Calculated Mode",
"description ": "Toggle to display CALCULATED Mode LP Tracking. In the CALCULATED MODE, you only have to record your Career Legend Points @{Career-LP}. Based on all your Rank values and Attribute improvements, the system will fill your Calculated Current Legend Points @{LP-Current-Calc}. Note that the system needs to know the ranks you spent for free at creation. Refer to the info in the CALCULATED MODE for more information.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "1"
"attribute": "LP-SpellsOption",
"displayname": "Legend - Standard/House Rule: Spells cost/do not cost LP",
"description ": "",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"Standard - Spells cost LP|1",
"Houserule - Spells do not cost LP|0"
"default": "1"
"attribute": "LP-AttribOption",
"displayname": "Legend - Standard/Option Rule: Attribute Increases cost/do not cost LP",
"description ": "",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"Standard - Attributes cost LP|1",
"Optional - Attributes do not cost LP|0"
"default": "1"
"attribute": "legend-transaction-mode",
"displayname": "Legend - Transaction Mode",
"description ": "Toggle to display TRANSACTION Mode LP Tracking. In the TRANSACTION MODE, your Career and Current points can be edited. The Current is stored in a separated @{LP-Current} field. You track your LP/SP by Posting transactions in your journal. Transaction can be a Legend Award at the end of an Adventure, or the cost of increasing a Talent Rank. The API will automatically propose you to post some of the transactions. Refer to the tooltip in the TRANSACTION MODE.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"default": "1"
"attribute": "RollType-Dex",
"displayname": "Default Visibility for Rolls - Dex",
"description ": "Who should the roll result be shown to ?.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"Sheet Default|@{RollType}",
"Public| ",
"GM|/w gm"
"default": "@{RollType}"
"attribute": "RollType-Str",
"displayname": "Default Visibility for Rolls - Str",
"description ": "Who should the roll result be shown to ?.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"Sheet Default|@{RollType}",
"Public| ",
"GM|/w gm"
"default": "@{RollType}"
"attribute": "RollType-Tou",
"displayname": "Default Visibility for Rolls - Tou",
"description ": "Who should the roll result be shown to ?.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"Sheet Default|@{RollType}",
"Public| ",
"GM|/w gm"
"default": "@{RollType}"
"attribute": "RollType-Per",
"displayname": "Default Visibility for Rolls - Per",
"description ": "Who should the roll result be shown to ?.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"Sheet Default|@{RollType}",
"Public| ",
"GM|/w gm"
"default": "@{RollType}"
"attribute": "RollType-Wil",
"displayname": "Default Visibility for Rolls - Wil",
"description ": "Who should the roll result be shown to ?.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"Sheet Default|@{RollType}",
"Public| ",
"GM|/w gm"
"default": "@{RollType}"
"attribute": "RollType-Cha",
"displayname": "Default Visibility for Rolls - Cha",
"description ": "Who should the roll result be shown to ?.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"Sheet Default|@{RollType}",
"Public| ",
"GM|/w gm"
"default": "@{RollType}"
"attribute": "Misc-KarmaRitual",
"displayname": "Character - Karma Ritual",
"description ": "Select effect on Karma of the NewDay button, between standard 4th ediition rule (refills Karma to Full) and several Homerule options or previous edition rules.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"ED4 Core-Fill Pool|-1",
"Homerule-Racial Mod|-3",
"ED3-Core-Talent Rank|-4",
"default": "-1"
"attribute": "StepDisplayFinal",
"displayname": "Legend - Step Display",
"description ": "Parameter to decide between displaying the Base Value (without modifiers) or Final Value (after all Modifiers) in each of the steps.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"Base Values|0",
"Final Values|1"
"default": "1"
"attribute": "effectIsAction",
"displayname": "General - Effect/Action",
"description ": "Very unclear in the rules, but many of the modifiers apply to Action Tests, but it seems that Effect tests are only affected by a few things like wounds. This parameter ignores this rule and considers everything is an action.",
"type": "select",
"options": [
"Effect is NOT Action|0",
"Effect is Action|1"
"default": "0"