And yet again, thanks for the quick reply Gold... Yeah, I saw all those but sadly, none of them is what I am looking for... And yes, a google search just shows, how easy it would be to implement a timer here on Roll20... If my programming skills were better, I'd do it myself... but yeah... as of now we have to live with it... (In case you want to know: the adventure I'd want to use the timer in is "Cthulhu: Filmriss", an adventure taking place in a cinema ^^) Gold said: Yeah I'd really like Roll20 to have such a configurable Timer feature. I use a website called Online Timer, it is configurable as-such (and simply demonstrates how such a web feature could be built into Roll20). By the way I noticed there are more GIF timers in the Roll20 Marketplace, up to 10:00 minutes long like this: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Last, API Mods, besides Hourglass there are also 2 other Timer mods in the Community-Created Scripts: Hourglass Game Timer TurnClock Unfortunately still not the solution that people are looking for, but I believe it is possible to develop..