Hi, so I recently went Pro to get some API to make condition tracking a little easier. Ran a game just now and it was fine, but I logged back in to fiddle with my macros, and now all my characters (NPCs and PCs) are missing their character sheet tab... but Bio & Info and Attributes & Abilities are fine. I tried disabling, deleting API, restarting, etc. My players don't seem to have an issue though. And it's the same with the copy of the game I made and another game I didn't run today... but not ALL my PF games. Resolved! I'm running PF 2E with ChatSetAttr, TokenMod, and AddCustomTurn on Chrome. Also, if I get that sorted, is there a way with ChatSetAttr (or any API) to turn on a condition on the PF2E sheet from chat? I can get it to add a repeating condition bar and I can get it to toggle the condition buttons on/off, but it doesn't work the same as manually clicking the toggle on the sheet... I suspect some high-end sheet wizardry is happening that I can't figues out. Thanks, sorry for the rambling post. I just ran a 4 hour game and now I'm worried I corrupted it!