Having seen "improvements" such as the infamous "dark mode" and the positively awful magenta lettering scheme, it seems the devs must be bored. If you're looking for something to do that would actually be helpful, however, here are a few suggestions that, as a GM, I would love to see (everyone is encouraged to add to this list): --Being able to move from map to map and have the same initiative counter move with it, without it disappearing for players. --A means to gather all the player character tokens in one spot, save them (let's say as "The Party"), and be able to just click that button and drop them all on a map without having to constantly copy/paste. --The option to alphabetize Maps. --Not having the token condition icons menu get cut off and be inaccessible if the token happens to be close to the edge of the map. --Same as above for the token R-Click menu. --Make the Dynamic Lighting Barriers easier to grab when zoomed out (ever try to grab a door barrier to 'open' it?). --For that matter, just give us a convenient "Door" tool that can be opened and closed in place. Foundry VTT has had one for years. --Make it so that if I need to refresh my page in my current game, and happen to have opened a page from another game in the meantime, it won't automatically load that other game instead. There are no doubt many more. Let's keep the suggestions coming.