Universal Chat Menu (only available on the forums, not in the drop down menu) is configurable, so you have to set it up for whatever sheet you use. I use it for a game I run using the Pathfinder by Roll20 sheet, and also for any games using my own Palladium Fantasy sheet. This allows you to set up global menus that print links to roll buttons on the sheet direct to chat. I use this primarily to run npcs without having to open the sheets.
Door Knocker is for interacting with dynamic lighting. It doesn't care what sheet you use.
Group Initiative has buttons with preset configurations for a couple game systems I think, but you can set it up to roll whatever dice, pull in whatever attributes from your sheets, and add whatever modifiers. It can do a bunch of stuff with initiative, and doesn't care what sheet you use.
TokenMod has already been covered, though my main uses with it are to reveal/hide nameplates, add/remove status markers, and add/remove/change vision when using dynamic lighting. It can also be used to set up menus of commands to change token face and name for rollable table tokens, which is good for "combination lock" type puzzles or characters that have specific disguises/personas.
ChatSetAttr has already been covered.
Those are kind of my basic "go to" mods/api scripts. Those give a lot of convenience once you wrap your head around all the things you can do with them.