Gilded Pulp GM: Me. Players-Needed: Roughly 3-6 per game session, with an episodic structure and rotating player/characters as available. Total active players as high as ten, but not all at once. Game Time and Scheduling I am on MST (GMT-6) and am available different days of the week. As I'm able I'll set a game time with groups or individuals, to catalogue episodic but ongoing adventures. Most characters will get a Session 0. Players don't need to make every session, but we do need a few for each. Played On Games are played with a sequential system of scene setting, question, and action periods in text chat in our Discord server. I will also use images on Discord and Roll20 for some combat and exploration/mapped scenarios. Game Description Golden Age superhero/pulp noir game set in 1912 Kansas city (And exotic locations around the world), with an emphasis on literal Gnosticism-as-super-powers. Characters are good guys, should be able to cooperate, some overlap in character abilities is fine but try to find distinctives and synchronicities in abilities. 500pp with a mix of gnostic and mundane superhuman abilities, no time travel or true magic. If you're interested message me or comment below and we can discuss more. I haven't properly filled out my campaign planning and character creation sheet (I have done it partly), but (other than Powers and The Weird) I am using very basic  GURPS rules and GURPS Character Sheet. You are welcome to enter your character into the Roll20 VTT if you want, but that's not necessary. I will work with players to make sure characters fit the tone, but this is a somewhat 'kitchen sink' zeerust TL6^ pulp/sci-fi setting, with room for a wide variety of 'experiments' and 'lost cities' or 'strange radiation' powers. The characters should be generally 'good guys', and capable and willing to generally cooperate with a variety of other agents and superheroes, but this isn't the Silver Age - just keep it tasteful and PG, though Conan levels of violence and unspecified but malicious deeds of the foul servants of Yaldaboth may ensue.