so in many card games, one has a collection or "superset" of cards to build a deck from. As Collections is a Roll20 Keyword, I chose "Binder" to denote what I am talking about here. This is named after 3-ring Binders that hold plastic sheets with nine pockets in them, that you put your collectible cards in. I would like a way to have Sets of Cards, you build decks from. Even with the Standard Poker Cards we all get, many games do not use Jokers. While you can duplicate a Deck, and remove Jokers in one deck, nd leave them in the other; this wears thin for many games, especially if you are going to change the Deck contents often. So, I am asking for a Binder to put currently unused cards in, for GMs and Players, that they can have access to and add or remove cards from their deck, to their Binder. Could we get "Meta Collections" for Cards to build decks from and house cards while not in a deck?