I have some macros tied to spells that drop templates/tokens on a map to show where a spell effect is taking place. Suddenly, my DM threw me for a loop by changing the pixels per cell (see image below.) I scrambled to the api and cut all my pixels sizes in half, but the next time he changes map settings, they will all be askew again. Is there a way to read the pixels per cell so I can just put that in a variable and multiply it by the number of cells I want the image to take up? Or is there a way to set my tokens to the number of cells instead of the number of pixels? I'm currently using code like this: on("chat:message",function(msg){ if(msg.type=="api" && msg.content.indexOf("!Cloud")==0) { var selected = msg.selected; if (selected===undefined) { sendChat("API","Please select a character."); return; } var tok = getObj("graphic",selected[0]._id); var character = getObj("character",tok.get("represents")); var playerlist = character.get("controlledby") createObj("graphic",{ left:tok.get("left")+158, top:tok.get("top")+18, height:280, width:280, pageid:tok.get("pageid"), layer:"objects", imgsrc:" <a href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/284394488/4shfVy92PYVnyR0AiZ74_A/thumb.png?16521254105" rel="nofollow">https://s3.amazonaws.com/files.d20.io/images/284394488/4shfVy92PYVnyR0AiZ74_A/thumb.png?16521254105</a> ", name:tok.get("name") + "'s Cloud", controlledby:playerlist }); spawnFx(tok.get("left")+140,tok.get("top"),"burst-acid",tok.get("pageid")); }