Hi everyone, I'm working with a friend in some sheets and trying to learn the possibilies of roll20. We saw that some "default options" can be set from outside the game, on the .json file with the useroptions. We were looking for a way to set the default token bars, and navigating the forum it looks like it can only be done for all tokens (and not only the ones pulled from compendium) through the use of API/Mods. As we don't want to limit the sheet usability to those with the higher subscription, we let the idea to the side, at least for now. Either way, I was wondering if there is any way to set a default set of abilities to the tokens without the use of an API. While i do understand that we are able to pull the sheet rolls to the quick macro bar, the system in question deals with the player being someone that controls a certain number of creatures, each of them having their own set of abilities and, because of that, having them from the tokens would be very helpful. Thanks for the attention!