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Character Sheet Requests

I haven't seen these mentioned yet but a character sheet for Fabula Ultima would be great Also the PBTA system ArmourAstir, and while we're at it an english version of the Libret sheet would be nice

Edited 1668241261
I can only second the request for a Fabula Ultima sheet. It is a giant homage to JRPGs and any fan of JRPGs in general should really take a look at it. Part of the dice mechanic might need API though. Almost all rolls are simply adding 2 of the attributes together and rolling their respective dice, ranging from D6 to D12. Damage though is the highest of the two dice rolled for attack plus a flat modifier.
Russell said: I would like to request a character sheet for the rpg game system Mazes and Minotaurs. The game and all of it's supplements are free! It's a d20 + modifier system (with d6 for damage) that has an old-school feel. The character sheet looks pretty straight forward. Here are some links... Character Sheet pdf Player Manual pdf Companion pdf Thank you! I created a proof-of-concept (not polished) for this sheet, see:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;:)

Edited 1668795875
Grant H. &nbsp;said: I haven't seen these mentioned yet but a character sheet for Fabula Ultima would be great Also the PBTA system ArmourAstir, and while we're at it an english version of the Libret sheet would be nice Henning V. &nbsp;said: I can only second the request for a Fabula Ultima sheet. It is a giant homage to JRPGs and any fan of JRPGs in general should really take a look at it. Part of the dice mechanic might need API though. Almost all rolls are simply adding 2 of the attributes together and rolling their respective dice, ranging from D6 to D12. Damage though is the highest of the two dice rolled for attack plus a flat modifier. I'd be happy to take a stab at the&nbsp; Fabula Ultima sheet using&nbsp; SheetMagic . Can you clarify the rolls a bit?&nbsp;Maybe summarize each type of roll and what should be added together, and if you can give me a hint where to place the "buttons". (e.g. make the these clickable?) UPDATE: I skimmed the rules and gave it a shot! I haven't implemented the logic with high-roll etc, so you'll have to do some mental gymnastics for that part. But you can set which type of die that should be rolled when clicking dex/ins/might/will. Hope this is useful anyway! :) &nbsp; These are the steps to get the HTML/CSS from SheetMagic and loading them into the Roll20&nbsp; Sheet Editor : 1. Open&nbsp; Fabula Ultima on SheetMagic 2. In Roll20, open the game and go to Settings -&gt; Game Settings -&gt; Character Sheet Template -&gt; Custom, do NOT check "Legacy Sanitization" 3. In SheetMagic, click "Copy HTML" 4. In Roll20, make sure "HTML Layout" is empty, then paste from the clipboard 5. In SheetMagic, click "Copy CSS" 6. In Roll20, make sure "CSS Styling" is empty, then paste from the clipboard 7. In Roll20, click "Save Changes"

Edited 1668910642
(Felipe) Boku
Sheet Author
I would like to request a sheet for a Savage Worlds Pokemon inspired Hack that goes by the name of "Pokeymanz". It's running under a simplified version of the game mechanics, but in general requires two kinds of sheets that may or may not interact (some pokemon moves call for some of it's trainers abilities, for example). It has a decent sized community and most players tend to use external tools to run it in parallel with Roll20 for dice and maps. These are some sheets that i design for the homebrew, keeping the theme in mind, but i don't really have any knowledge to properly bring them into roll20. &nbsp;&nbsp; For more details, you can find the PDFs for both of these here , with a "printer friendly version" as well. And the rules are publicly avaiable in the creators website, here . Thank you!
I need a custom sheet made, for a campaign I am running. I will pay you generously for your time. Also the sheet would be fairly simple. That is all.
I have started work on a sheet for ICON
Sheet Author
Tex said: Cy_Borg&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp; (Apr 2022) This request has been fulfilled.
Nick C.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
I would like to request a sheet for the DarkEnergy rpg. Its a game I created with the help of a successful&nbsp; Kickstarter &nbsp;campaign. The rulebook pdf is available on DriveThruRPG , I believe THIS code should still get you a free copy of the rulebook and I am working on getting it here on Roll20 as well. It uses 5e as its base but then incorporates elements of pathfinder 2e and custom rules. I tried to make my own, but I don't have enough coding experience to make a sheet.&nbsp; The character sheet looks like this:&nbsp; Thank you!
Hello, I am looking to find someone able to make Character sheet for my most beloved TTRPG, Free From the Yoke by Kasatkid and Iles printed by UFO press. This game is much like Legacy&nbsp;among the ruins and shares a ton of similarities. it is a Powered by the apocalypse&nbsp;game about Kingdoms and its House of power. a tone of Game of thrones is mixed in. I have been running the system for 7 games over 3 years and it still is my favorite&nbsp;TTRPG to date, although Root TTRPG is gain head way. I am here looking for to make me sheet so that I can easily run it with out using Doc sheet that don't save if you don't click confirm edit. If you are interested&nbsp;in taking on this task please contact me here on Roll20 and we can talk more about the Game and if you are an avid&nbsp;player I will Run the game for you so you can experience&nbsp;it.&nbsp; System: &nbsp;Free from the Yoke. A Legacy PBTA game. There is already an existing set of Legacy sheets, but not one dedicated to Free from the Yoke.&nbsp; Here is the game . Side Request:&nbsp; The Legacy sheets with fillable options (for Homebrew Houses and new character ideas) add in playbooks that are found in the gaming community. please let me know if this a possible thing to do with this sheets format. Side Notes for Sheets: &nbsp;for Quick character, Boxes and or fillable side Notes for Npc sheets.&nbsp; Here is where can find the&nbsp; information &nbsp;about the House playbooks and heroes playbooks as well as move.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> To Point out a similar or related sheet existing on Roll20, look at Legacy among the ruins.
Sorry if this isn't the place to ask, but I would like to request some updates to the Pokéroll sheets. There's currently a bug where Pokémon sheets set to master rank automatically change to champion rank when the sheet is closed and then opened back up. If possible I would like to also ask if it would be possible for the Rival character sheet to be added as well.
I'd like to request a character sheet for the new Chaosium game Rivers of London. This is another BRP/Basic Roleplaying/d100 based game along the lines of Call of Cthulhu.&nbsp; I assume it's going to have some level of popularity as it's based on a series of books and there's supposedly a TV show in early production. The sheet can be downloaded at&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;

Edited 1670626900
Hello, I was told to come here to submit my request for a character sheet for "Slaine the Role Playing Game of Celtic Heroes." It's now just about a 20 year old Dungeons &amp; Dragons campaign setting for D20 and the rules are currently out of print and a rare find on the internet. I do have all the books myself, in hard cover and digital. Although the digital core rule book for this setting lacks the two pages with authentic character sheet printed with them. I could scan the character sheet myself, but I don't have a digital photocopier handy right now. Let alone a working camera. On the very slim chance some body who owns the original hard copy of the rules and knows how to make character sheets online this way. I am currently tackling it myself, but I'm barely familiar with all those programming languages including HTML...

Edited 1671047921
&nbsp; Both sides of the Slaine (A Role-Playing-Game of Celtic-Heroes...) character sheet.. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> BTW&lt; how do you post images in forum chat? It never works for me...
Sheet Author
Ukko the Scribe said: BTW&lt; how do you post images in forum chat? It never works for me...
Thanks, but now, I think everybody is stuck with a picture of me (A mug-shot...) up there.
Sheet Author
Ukko the Scribe said: Thanks, but now, I think everybody is stuck with a picture of me (A mug-shot...) up there. Click edit and then click to the right of the image and then press backspace.
There's a system that came out recently that I just picked up &amp; looks amazing! Sadly no sheet yet... it's called Fabula Ultima .

Edited 1671050547
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Regarding my request for these sheets, there may not be anybody who wants to do this and in that instance, I would like to know if there are any generic character sheets for fantasy based d20 game. Even the ones theat came with the actual DUngeons &amp; Dragons 3'5 rules... Of course, if somebody is going to work on this, I woud like ones made for the Slaine conversion rules I put up here earlier...&nbsp;
Two Characters sheets that you could add SINS Character Sheets Customs Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Character Sheets
Grim Hollow Character Sheet Hello! I'm looking to get this character sheet added, or at least available to myself, to help track some of the additional content. Grim Hollow is a dark fantasy add-on to D&amp;D 5e, it is still relatively new but they have released 2 modules that they're calling Fables. I'm about to start running the first one, Citadel of the Unseen Sun, for my friends in Jan and plan on running the second Fable and the future ones as well at some point. Having the custom character sheet that includes a section for the new transformations' rules and the advanced backgrounds will be super helpful, especially if I want to expand to running games for others. I really hope that the link works right, if not I'll have to figure out a way to link the pdf or just snip screenshots of each page. Thank you for your consideration!

Edited 1671228468
What would be an appropriate quote for a functional Transformers RPG character sheet while we're waiting on the official one to be available? I don't need anything graphically fancy, but would love to play the game during my holiday break. I've got some money to spend on the project if anyone is interested.
Requesting a character sheet for "Worlds Without Number", there is already a sheet for Stars Without Number so it would be cool if we had the Worlds one. I hope this is the right place for asking. Thanks in advance!
Seeking someone for a paid commission to make a custom sheet for an in-house system.
Hello all!&nbsp; Is it possible to get Charakter Sheets for Broken Compass from Two little Mice? Would be great.&nbsp;

Edited 1673385890
Hello all! I have a bounty paying $100 usd for creation of a character sheet for a brand new system: 4d6 I have a character sheet available to upload and want to make it just interactive enough to be updated.&nbsp; If successful in project, I may have future work expanding the sheet to accept click and drag from a compendium, similar to 5e sheets - but that is for the future.&nbsp; For now, I want players to be able to modify sheet accordingly, click to roll dice with/without modifiers, and implement a couple of text boxes (for now, related to future content) so players can add character notes.&nbsp; Please message me if you are interested in this. Thank you for your time

Edited 1673276681
Hello friends! I'm posting here as I've rather unfortunately hit one too many roadblocks in the journey of making my own character sheet for one of my campaigns.&nbsp; I only began learning how the code in character sheets functioned about a week or two ago and, as is expected, I'm nowhere near the level I need to be to make the sheet I want to make, given my current skillset. I've been attempting to make a sheet for the Basic Roleplaying system (brp) used for Call of Cthulhu and Runequest, modified quite a bit to fit the game I'm running, working off of the template used for the Fallout: Vaults &amp; Deathclaws sheet. I've run into a number of problems of course.&nbsp; I've been attempting to transcribe the sheet into the new CSE, but given my lack of knowledge this is practically impossible at present.&nbsp; Additionally, since this is a game based on Ark: Survival Evolved, I've been attempting to model the sheet off of the UI seen in the inventory of the game.&nbsp; I'll prove images to what work I have done on modifying the Fallout sheet as well as the Ark UI, and will happily provide the code that I've undoubtedly butchered to get to this point. I wish I could say money is no object in this case, but I'm still pressed for funds.&nbsp; Nonetheless, I'm willing to drop quite a bit to see this through to completion.&nbsp; Again, I will provide any further relevant information (and funds) if there is any interest. Thank you so much, once again, and I look forward to talking with y'all! Sheet Images: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
starfinder charactermancer when is it being released&nbsp;&nbsp;
Does anyone know who the author of the Elite: Dangerous RPG sheet is? I wanna send some feedback, but I can't find them. The only thing I have is that they are apparently called " Tacroy00".
Sheet Author
Morgan M. said: Does anyone know who the author of the Elite: Dangerous RPG sheet is? I wanna send some feedback, but I can't find them. The only thing I have is that they are apparently called " Tacroy00". <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>&nbsp; Doen't look like the sheet has been changed in 5 years.

Edited 1673650695
David said: Morgan M. said: Does anyone know who the author of the Elite: Dangerous RPG sheet is? I wanna send some feedback, but I can't find them. The only thing I have is that they are apparently called " Tacroy00". <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>&nbsp; Doen't look like the sheet has been changed in 5 years. Thanks. I wonder if he is still active? Because the sheet definitely isn't pretty and has some typos. If he isn't, what would it cost to convince you to make a more visually appealing and better functioning sheet?
My sheet for ICON is now awaiting a successful pull request on github <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> So you can cross that one off the master list next week :)
Curious if anyone has looked at Animon Story ? I'm eager to run it, so I'd be equally eager to get a quote for a sheet to run it with! It's a d6 dice pool system, I dunno if that's relevant to know.
Has anyone looked into making a Worlds Without Number character sheet or adding a bunch setting to the Stars Without Number to be able to turn it into a usable Worlds Without Number sheet?
Anyone interested in Infinity's Edge character sheet?&nbsp; ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ).&nbsp; I started creating a custom sheet, and Its just been a nightmare for me.&nbsp; I've gotten about 75% of the html and css done.&nbsp; But the js calculations is having issues, the repeating fields are driving me crazy...&nbsp; Would love to run this game on roll20, but if I can't get the sheet done I have no idea if that's possible.
I would like to place a request for an update to The Wildsea's character sheet to match with the current releases rules&nbsp;
I've seen one other request for this, but the Arcane Arcade system for Fallout's character sheet would be amazing to have access to. A lot of us want to be able to play it, as it's a simplified Fallout ttrpg, and the sheet itself is really clean and nice. Would love to see it on the site!!!!&nbsp; This is the sheet. &nbsp;Hopefully, it could come to roll20!
FitD's Galaxies in Peril. Like for roll20 would be best of course. But seriously, any link to a printable PDF of the character sheets would be greatly appreciated. As the physical book i bought left me empty handed for reasonable to photo copy character sheets out of the book. And internet searches for them come up empty handed too.

Edited 1676831013
Hello! I would like to request a Talislanta character sheet (There are currently no Talislanta character sheets in Roll20) They are about to do a brand new kick starter for the new 6 th edition (same mechanics as always) in the next couple months. They have an awesome Facebook and Discord community. &nbsp; It’s a D20 system from back to the 80’s, similar to the D&amp;D system. It’s a fantasy world that’s completely original, but again, same kind of feel to D&amp;D. D20, plus character bonuses (STR, INT, DEX, WIL, SPD, PER, CON, CHA). Maybe a +3 or a -2. You add up your bonuses for any given scenario, then roll, plus or minus the bonuses. It works off a success rating chart. ALL the books are free digitally at! The character sheet could simply allow manual entry of spell descriptions, attacks, etc. Then macros could be made by the players. It could look real similar to the D&amp;D5e character sheet, or closer to the Palladium Rifts character sheet in Roll 20, or it could be as simple as a fillable pdf. It would need basic stat blocks, an area for skills, magic, equipment, etc. I don’t think a sheet would need to be made for each edition. I think one universal character sheet would work for Editions 1-4. 2. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The game has gone through 5 editions since the 80’s. At one point it was purchased by WOTC. Though there have been five editions, the game mechanics hold throughout the editions. They just tried variations of magic, tried a tiered system like D&amp;D5e at one point, etc. Ultimately, besides 5 th edition, all the other editions can be intertwined. Even though the system is similar to D&amp;D, the world is it’s own. No elves, dwarves, etc. There’s literally over 100 classes/archetypes that are racial or geographically driven. All the races are original to the world. It’s a very rich world with amazing lore, areas, history, etc. There are almost thirty books throughout the editions. 3. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I am not a publisher, but I got the okay to reach out about this from one of the Talislanta designers on Discord. I can be available for any additional information or help needed for any of the sheet creators that may decide to work on this. Again, the entire book collection is available for free, at Below are what the Talislanta character sheets look like for 2nd and 4th edition. I’ve loved this game for 20+ years, and I greatly appreciate any help we can get for this project. Please let me know if I can do anything else. Thank you so much!
Desparados Pen and Paper ...&nbsp; It's a free download on DrivethruRPG&nbsp; &nbsp; I've been running a game on roll20 for a couple years now.&nbsp; the system is simple and complex at the same time.&nbsp; &nbsp; Attributes range from 1 to 6&nbsp; and skills are modified by different attributes according to situation. the challenge being each skill is can be attempted by all characters (no mod) while some skills may be modified by different attributes according to the situation.&nbsp; &nbsp;most roles are 3*d6 and a player may use a "strength of Will" to reroll one of the dice.&nbsp; 5 character classes with unique skillsets also... It's part of the "family"&nbsp; &nbsp;and a real challenge to create Please ease my GM burden
Hello. I'm looking for someone that would be willing to help me make and automate some of the things that are used for a game in beta testing. I don't know much about making sheets on R20, so I'm uncertain what I should include in this message.&nbsp; There's not a lot to the sheet. Really it can all be done in two pages most likely, maybe three? That's not code though. That's just the sheet itself. It's a d20 system and (mostly) skill based rather than ability score based. There's a handful of other features I'd hope to include in the sheet but again, I don't know much about making sheets in R20 so it's probably best to have a dialogue with me.&nbsp; Thank you all. ^_^
Would anyone be willing to update the Elite: Dangerous sheet? It hasn't received an update in a couple of years and could use some improvements.
Also, could someone improve the MechWarriors: Destiny sheet as well? That sheet is extremely barebones and doesn't have a lot of stuff that it probably should.
Default 5e Sheet: Sorry if someone has suggested this already but, what about a ticker next to each ability score for adding bonus/negatives and reflect automatically on saves, checks, and actions?
Forum Champion
Haxxum said: Default 5e Sheet: Sorry if someone has suggested this already but, what about a ticker next to each ability score for adding bonus/negatives and reflect automatically on saves, checks, and actions? If you are referencing the 5e by Roll20 sheet this can be done on the "Cog" (settings) page.&nbsp;
Request for character sheet for Hypertellurains RPG . This is a quite splendid game that could very much use a character sheet. It received multiple accolades a couple of years back and its creator is continuing to release material and has a number of supplements.&nbsp; Here are the rules in online form from the creator's website:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Here is where you can find the character sheets:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Is there any kind soul out there who may be willing to take this one on? (I am in no way affiliated&nbsp; with the creator) TIA!

Edited 1679084323
I am looking to digitize an home brewed game character sheets.&nbsp; I am looking to take my game to the next level.&nbsp; So I am reaching out since I tried the coding aspect of it and it is a little more than what I can handle.&nbsp; It is an X-Men version D&amp;D.&nbsp; Looking to spruce up the character sheet so my players can do it on here and not Discord.&nbsp; I will only use it privately but open for the creator to use as wanted.&nbsp; I am in the middle of a campaign now but as soon as it is done it will be used.&nbsp; Plus I will be using it for my next campaign. Compensation will before discussed before starting project.