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Resizing and rotating tokens / map tiles extremely frustrating

I dont know how or why this has changed, but i've noticed over the past few weeks that the cursor placement for resizing tokens and tiles, as well as that little rotation arm are EXTREMELY touchy, requiring pixel perfect aim with no graphical indicator to show you are actually "over" the correct spot to rotate or resize. previously when hovering over the rotation point, the cursor would change to be a "crosshair" or + symbol, and the corner and side drag points would indicate the correct left/right, up/down, and diagonal arrows to show you are resizing. Now i dont get any of that. the rotation arm has NO feedback, and all of the resize grab points just show the full 4 arrow "move" icon. this has made is so i can spend an absurd amount of time trying to rotate something only for me to miss the hyperfine "correct" point and just highlight the title i'm trying to rotate. Its not AS bad but trying to resize a token or tile is frustrating as well, as if i'm not perfectly in the corner the tile just starts dragging around.  For GM's like me who like to make detailed maps out of tile sets, this has easily tripled the amount of time (if not more) that it takes to create maps for my players. is anyone else noticing this? is this on roll20's end or something on mine?
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
The cursor refusing to change has been reported multiple times, and acknowledged. I haven't seen any indication of a fix forthcoming, though. :(
I tried a quick search on the forms, but the only issues i saw were about the rotating multiple things spiraling and whatnot. 
Forum Champion
Regarding the pixel perfect aim, if you zoom in the handles are easier to grab. 
Oh, good; it's not just me. Thanks for posting, VeratiaGames! Small, invisible targets for rotating and resizing assets is not just a UI quirk; it's an accessibility issue. I hope it gets addressed soon.
Forum Champion
The mouse-over symbol is supposed to change on hover over-those-handles. It has not been changing correctly, since a couple months ago, roughly around the time of the introduction of the features: The new-style Bars Hover to see Name & Bars and roll20 needs to fix that Bug please
For rotation, click anywhere on the asset, hold the "e" key, and use the mouse wheel to rotate in 45-degree steps (hold alt to free-rotate). While people tend to think of that as for tokens, it works on the map layer too, for any graphic asset. But I agree, trying to click on "just the right spot" can be a hair-tearing experience, particularly when the handle hides under other things.  All too often I drag something else out of the position I just carefully placed it in.