I am trying to set the npc_hpformula with the value  [[?{CR?|0,1|1/8,2|1/4,3|1/2,4|1,5|2,6}]]d[[6+{{(?{CR?}),0}>3}*2+{{(?{CR?}),0}>6}*2]] This works fine in isolation, but as soon as I put it in a call to chatsetattr, my results get corrupted and my ability no longer runs to completion.  Here's my code   !setattr --silent --charid @{Children of the Night|character_id} --npc_hpformula|[[@{target|Caster?|pb}-2+?{CR?|0,1|1/8,2|1/4,3|1/2,4|1,5|2,6}]]d [[6+{{(? {CR?}),0}>3}*2+{{(?{CR?}),0}>6}*2]] If I replace it with   !setattr --silent --charid @{Children of the Night|character_id} --npc_hpformula|[[@{target|Caster?|pb}-2+?{CR?|0,1|1/8,2|1/4,3|1/2,4|1,5|2,6}]]d 6  my script works find and runs to completion.  It looks to have something to do with the greater than operation. Thanks!