Friendly forever GM Larry "LAZ" Green here, hoping one of you fine folk have a lead on a robust game of one of the following: -Pathfinder (1st preferred, will learn 2nd) me, I 'm the guy you want in your AP. I'll gladly play the Cleric or the support role. -Dungeon Crawl Classics -Call of Cthulhu or Delta Green -D&D, but only 2nd or 3/3.5 ed...I do not like 5E very much. -Any OSR style dungeon crawler or sandbox-y game. -Any Warhammer property game (Dark Heresy, Warhammer 4E, etc) Gamer-wise: I'm 35+, no drama, I get along with everyone and I'm affable as frick. I learn quick, am respectful to both the time and effort of the GM, and I can help teach most systems to new players. I have a wife and two cats. No kids to create gaming distractions...I prioritize. I can play most nights between 7-11pmEST, 7-12 EST on Fri or Sat, though Sundays are out and Tues I would have to alternate every-other. Anyways, if this sounds like the last player you need to fill that cleric role in your Adventure Path, or you need another older fella to shore up the maturity level of your crew, holler at your boy by dropping a message here, or hitting me up on Discord via LarryChristmas#1510